

I sat in my study, face pressed against the palms of my hand while my elbows were on the table in front of me.

It didn’t make any sense. How did that even happen? I know that place isn’t that well maintained but it’s not neglected either. It’s part of the palace after all. It gets clean every now and then and it’s not damaged.

It can’t have been a coincidence. It just can’t! It feels too well timed to be a coincidence.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. The servants clean the veranda and the pots all the damn time!

I know I felt something odd there. I don’t know what but I know what I felt. It must have been magic. The kind that can be concealed! The moment we entered the place I got a weird feeling. I should have paid more attention!

This is all my fault!

Someone definitely plotted this! And I failed to protect Elayne. On the same note, Rion could have been hurt too!