

“Say,” I asked as Kaan and I made our way to Tia’s place, “How come you got the idea of asking The Oracle?” He was wearing his hood and a mask as well so no one would see or recognize him.

It honestly never crossed my mind but now that I think about it. This was really smart.

“Well,” He folded his arms, “The story you told me kept replaying in mind and besides you, the Oracle was involved. And Oracles are quite knowledgeable so I took my chances.”

“But the one who was with me is dead.” This is why it never occurred to me to go to find the new one.

“This was just a hunch but if the previous one knew she was going to die, I guessed that she might have told and prepared her successor for everything.”

“I see…” Tia’s place was now within sight, “Did you ask Leonidas for help?”


“How is he?”

“He’s doing good.” I smiled, “He seemed happy.” That’s nice

“Did you meet Enri?”

“I did,” He replied, “He escorted the Oracle to the borders where I joined her.”