

The dealer's house was empty.

If my words seem odd, then let me explain. Clearly someone is living here but the small house was mostly empty. There were only necessities there, that one needed in order to survive.

How strange. For someone who deals with pearls, they shouldn’t be living this frugally.

Another odd thing in the house was the unusually big bathtub in the bathroom. Why would someone need such a big bathtub? And it wasn’t wide but it was long. About five feet long and it barely fit in the place, leaving no room for other things. For a commoner she sure had a big bath but well, maybe it was just a preference.

I looked around the place some more to make sure I didn’t miss anything important.

I knew I was at the right house though, I found some pearls in a clear jar on the kitchen table but there was no one in the house.

I went outside and asked the neighbor who was making his way towards his house about the woman who lives here.