

Why am I on a bed? I had barely opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar soft place. But why did she put me on the bed and not in the water? I’m usually always in the water if there’s an unhealed injury, of course it doesn’t do much though unless it’s the river or the ocean.

Ah! I got my answer after thinking about it a little.

Mother must have put me here in case the knight wanted to come in the house. Man, she’s cunning. She’s always so careful… Even if anyone came here, they would find nothing suspicious.

I felt utterly defeated once again. At this point only a miracle can save me. I looked at the ceiling. All because the timeline changed…

It seems no one else remembers what happened in the original timeline… Of course they wouldn’t. The oracle was the one who cast the spell and the king pretending to be a guy was involved in it. I'm sure only those two remember but mother said they both died…