An apology that doesn’t satisfy but is all I’ll ever get


It was a quiet morning and I thought if I could come early I would get to train with Enri since he’s always here and I want to spend more time with him.

He’s training here every day at dawn so if I come at the same time I know he’d help me out!

My heart squealed at the thought and I felt overjoyed but didn’t pay more attention to why I was this excited just to be alone with him. My heart was already full at the thought and I hurried towards the training grounds at the crack of dawn.

Surprisingly Enri was waiting for me, not on the ground but in the outer corridor, which was a little shocking.

“Enri?” He was looking toward the sky when I came close to him.

“It’s captain for you now,” He smiled as he turned to look at me.

“Ah!” I nodded, “Yes... Captain!”

He stepped closer to me, “I know you’re here to train but we can’t today.”

“We can’t?” I was heavily disappointed

“No,” He patted my head, “The Oracle is here to see you.”