My feelings


Just as Mavis was out of sight, my knight came into view.

I looked at them in bewilderment as they all slowly emerged from their hiding spots but it was something I expect from them too. They all were hiding behind different things during the confession and did a fantastic job at that but then again, I was the one who trained so I don’t expect anything less.

I let out an exasperated sigh as they all began to surround me with disappointed looks.

“Oh, My God!” Nana looked disappointed, “You’re such an asshole.”

“Captain,” Ains spoke, “You’re too blinded.”

“By your age,” Rose completed his words.

“Why? What did I do?” I looked at them in defeat, “Did I say something wrong?” I most likely did. I was well aware but I had to put a point in too.

“I feel bad for her.” Yeol sighed and looked toward the sky sadly, “Really bad.”

Are they all here to emotionally blackmail me?