Chapter. 80

Grace rushed towards her car and escaped the place.

The person she saw was none other than Pearl. Since Pearl was in the mall. Rustler was also likely to be in the mall.

There is no way Grace was willing to face them. She didn’t want excess trouble. Her life is going pretty nicely. And she wouldn’t want to disturb the peace in her life.

Anyways Grace was getting ‘engaged’ to Samuel so she wouldn’t be hung up on Rustler. They can have all the problems. Grace couldn’t care less.

After getting the main leads out of her mind, Grace made herself a healthy smoothie and started meditating to clear her thoughts. She was not willing to waste her time thinking about insignificant people.

** Three days before Engagement **

Days quickly passed by and it was already time for engagement. In the meanwhile, Grace’s store was doing very well.