Damn devils

The devil strode out to where the car was packed. His men flanked both sides of the car, bowing deeply as they did so.

In a queue are 10 motorcycles and five cars. The middle car is for the devil, while the other four are for his minions. The five motorcycles lined in front of the cars are for his trained bodyguards, while the other five at the back of the cars are for the newly trained.

They are known as scapegoats.

“Is everything ready?” The devil asked Scorpion, who was limping behind him.

The poor man was in great pain, but you wouldn't know because of his well he hid his pain.

As a trained soldier, he knows what Pain is, and he has endured more than enough in his life.

Three bullet shots are nothing compared to half of the things the devil has caused him to pass through.

“Yes, My Lord. The venue is set.” Scorpion turned to one of the men closest to him, “we are about to leave. Alert the others.”

“Yes, sir!”

The guard placed a hand on the Secret Service earpiece on his ears. “We are about to leave.”

He said in a low voice; however, the others were able to hear his words.

It spurred them to act as each of them got in line for departure. Scorpion opened the door for the devil and stood there waiting to close the door behind the boss.

He closed the door behind his boss before he entered the driver's seat.

The other guards entered the various vehicles set for departure.

Unlike the motorcycles that have only one occupant, the cars have two guards in them.

“How many hours did you decide with them?” The devil opened the laptop on his lap.

“Three hours, my Lord. It was a bargain before I got them to agree to it.”

“I see.” He said before he pressed a button by the side, and got the partition raised.

Scorpion glanced back at his boss before he shook his head.

“Most times, I don't understand him,” Scorpion murmured under his breath as he was afraid his boss might overhear his words.

Scorpion and the devil grew up together. But the way he treats Scorpion made it impossible to know that they once shared the same bed.

Scorpion sighed at the thoughts. He doesn't know why, but the way the devil treats him, makes him feel neglected.

However, he knew there was nothing he can do.

The devil isn't a person who listens to others. He's a headstrong human who has no regard for human life.

In his world, there is nothing but pain and anguish. The Devil doesn't know what love is.

He only knows the language of violence. Pouring off blood is his favourite pastime. He basks in the scent of blood and fear.

“We are leaving.” Scorpion placed his hand on the SSE as he relayed the message.

The guards at the front revved his vehicle when he heard the words from Scorpion. The others followed suit until they were all moving out, in a straight, undisturbed line.

The Leopard mafia gang was a sight to behold as they drove in their convoy. All the vehicles on the road stopped, to allow them to pass.

“What evil humans!” An old woman glared at the convoy of dark vehicles. Her eyes narrowed in on the vehicle she thought might Likely house the devil. “You are not supposed to exist!” She fearlessly pointed to the vehicle as she cursed them.

“Hush, mother. You are going to bring the wrath of the Leopard gang on us!” Her daughter tried to get the mother to stop cursing them. However, the mother wasn't ready to listen to her.

Her heart was filled with bitterness toward the mafia gang that doesn't know they have a person who bears this many grudges against them.

However, should the Devil catch a whiff of this, he won't mind. This will only make him feel proud of all his works.

“I will never stop cursing at those who killed my son!” The woman lamented.

The few pedestrians walking through the paved part, made way for them, as no one is ready to be at the receiving end of the Leopard pack's anger.

“It's okay, mother. You don't need to shout at them. We are out in the open. They might hear your curses.”

“Let them hear! I'm not afraid of them. I need to die in their hands. Let them come and kill me as they did to my son!"

However, the mother got it all wrong.

Had the Devil heard her words, he would have killed the remaining members of her family, in her presence. And he will force her to watch it all.

However, the old woman doesn't know.

“It's okay, mother. Let us go home.” Her daughter managed to drag the reluctant woman back to her house, screaming at the Leopard gang.

The devil was in the car, checking his latest business conquest, and he was unaware of what took place outside.

Scorpion switched the radio but had to lower it to the Lowest, to avoid the devil's wrath.

He's Still recovering from the bullet shots he received earlier this evening. And he's not ready to receive more.

After all, once bitten, twice shy.

Whoever, Scorpion is only good with remembering things when it's new.

He ends up committing an offence a month after he was punished for the same offence.

He's among those unlucky enough to be plagued with short-term memory.

Scorpion checked the time on his phone, before he communicated with the other guards, to get them to speed up.

They drove for a short time before they got to the bar where the meeting was to take place.

As there were not many spaces out here, they had to pack their vehicles in the lot next to the bar.

However, Scorpion had to squeeze the vehicle he was driving, next to the bar. This way, it won't trouble the devil much to walk to the bar.

He killed the engine and turned off the headlights, but remained in the car, waiting.