What do you want from me?

“Mom?” He blinked as his eyes took in the figure of his mother.

All his life, he has never seen his mother dressed like a decent human.

“Boy, are you surprised?” His mother chuckled.

His mother is dressed in a blue gown, and her long hair was tied up in a bun. She has light makeup on, and her shoes seemed to match her clothes.

Unlike how she was before, she looked presentable.

“How? What—”

Kon was speechless.

Not only was his mother dressed more formally than ever, their house now looked more like a home.

Everything was neat and kept in place.

“You see, boy.” She sat on the cushion opposite him, “when I gave birth to you, I never knew how important you will be.”

She chuckled, confusing Kon who was still trying to make sense of everything.

“What are you talking about?”

“How ever did you meet the mafia devil?”

“The mafia devil?” Kon took a step back at the sound of the name he detests the most.

“Boy, must I say, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of whom you—”

“What are you talking about?”

“Our debts have been paid off, boy! We are no longer owning. And that's not all. The mafia devil bought a new house for us!”


Shocked, Kon took another step back. Things were getting complicated the more he tried to understand what was happening.

“Oops, I almost forgot. He said—”

“Where is he?”

“Who?” His mother blinked.

“Where is the Mafia devil?” Kon growled at him.

“At his club. Where else—”

Kon dropped his bag on the cushion next to him. He raced out of the house and headed towards the club where the devil recedes.

It took him more than thirty minutes to reach the place where the devil recedes.

Kon stopped in front of the large door.

No one knew where the devil recedes. They only knew where his club was located.

Kon walked towards the place where three men dressed in black stood, with their backs to the door.

“Where is he?” He growled at the men.

“Halt!” The men said in a stern voice. Their eyes were narrowed squarely at Kon.

“Where is the damn devil! Tell him to come out here!” Kon growled.

He wasn't scared of the men in suits, and neither was he concerned about his actions. All he knew was he wasn't leaving there without meeting the devil.

“How dare you?” The men growled at him. As one, they advanced towards Kon, intent on teaching the rascal a lesson.

“Are you guys asking for a beating?” Kon smirked.

He wasn't scared of the men.

“You dare—”


The scorpion stopped the men. “Don't touch him.”

At the sound of the new voice, Kon turned to the door.

Standing in front of the now partially open door is Scorpion.

Unlike the other men, he was putting on a dark blue suit. His hand was tied with a bandage, covering the wound the devil gave to him not too long ago.

“Sir,” the men bowed to him.

“Where is the damned devil?” Kon growled at him.

“He's waiting for you.” Scorpion smirked, “if you can, please follow me. I will take you to him.” He smirked once more at the little boy who doesn't know he was walking straight into the Lion's den.

“Take me to him,” Kon commanded, thinking he has the upper hand.

“With all due pleasure.” Scorpion turned, and headed into the door he came out from, with Kon hot on his heels.

“He doesn't know what he is up against.” The men standing outside the door smirked as they watched Kon.

It was amusing to watch a lamb acting like a Lion.

Kon walked behind Scorpion, who was walking deeper into the club.

Unlike the club Kon works in, this place seemed to have more than enough hallways.

It was like a maze to Kon who was trying so hard to memorize the route. However, it wasn't an easy feat.

The farther they walked, the darker the hallways became until they came upon a hall that was so dark the only things lighting their paths were lanterns which weren't up to five.

And for the first time since Kon entered the devil's club, he felt goosebumps materialize on his skin.

He wasn't fool enough not to know there was no way he will be able to escape from this place should all the devil's men come upon him at the same time.

“Why is this place big? I thought it was supposed to be a small club?” Kon frowned.

His questions caused Scorpion to smile.

It was funny hearing the quake in the boy's voice.

“We are here.” Scorpion stopped in front of a door and opened the door for Kon.

“My master is waiting for you.” He kept the door open until Kon entered. And only then did he shut the door.

“Good luck.” He smirked before he locked the door, just like the devil ordered him to do.

Kon didn't hear the door locked as his attention was focused on the man who was sitting in the middle of the otherwise dark room.

The only light in the room was focused solely on the devil, who was sitting with his legs crossed.

His eyes were trained on the lamb who was willingly walking towards the devil.

“How dare you interfere with my life?” He matched towards the devil.

The shock he got earlier when he came into the room, momentarily washed off when he saw the person he was looking for.

The devil smirked as he watched Kon proceed towards him.

“I don't know who you are, and neither do I want to know that. All I want you to do is steer out of my business!”

“And what if I don't want that?” The Devil asked in a calm and collected tone. With his brows raised, he looked like he was having a lot of fun.

“Then, I will force you to do that!” Kon narrowed his eyes at the devil.

“How can you do that when you are still owing me?”

“I didn't ask you to help my family!” Kon growled at him. “I never asked you to butt into my family affairs!”

“Take it as a favour from me.”

“A favour? Why give such a favour to a stranger?” Kon narrowed his eyes at the devil.

There was no way in hell that he will believe the devil was Just helping him. He knew there is nothing like a free lunch.

“Of course, I won't give such a favour without asking for something in return.” The devil rose from the cushion he was sitting on and walked towards him.

“What do you want from me? So you know, I have nothing to offer except for my hard work. I will work hard to pay—”

“And who said I wanted your money?” The Devil stopped in front of Kon who was trying so hard not to take a step back.

“What do you want, then?” Kon balled his hands into fists as he got ready for whatever it was the devil intended to do to him.

“You.” The Devil leaned in and whispered into his ears.


Happy new year!

Thank you, guys for your support. I appreciate it greatly. The new timetable for this year's update of this book is thrice a week. That's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Please bear with me.