A good pet don't cuss

Kon wriggled his arse.

The devil's hand on his shaft made it difficult for him to form a coherent sentence.

“Now, that's a good boy.” The devil smirked.

He took up the whip he discarded and whipped Kon on his inner thighs.

Once again, Kon's screams tore from his throat.

He shook his head at the pain that racked through his body.

Tears slid down his face.

The devil didn't stop. He whipped Kon five times more before he discarded the cane, and slowly rubbed his palm on the red lines on Kon's inner chest.

Seeing the mark on Kon further aroused the devil.

His shaft was so hard, that it was painful.

Kon's pants filled the otherwise silent room.

Oddly enough, his shaft was still hard despite the pain.

The devil took a nipple clamp from the piles of toys he got for the night. He leaned towards a surprised Kon, trapping Kon's hard shaft under him.

Kon shuddered at the feel of the devil's body on his naked one.