I love you

Kon yawned.

His head was pounding, and he was sweating.

He blinked.

Kon was in a strange room, with black pieces of furniture all around, but that wasn't his problem; it was the headache.

He placed a hand on his head at the searing pain.

It felt as if his head was about to split into two.

Kon rose from the bed and slowly walked to the door.

He tried the doorknob and the door opened.

With his hand clutched to his head, he walked out of the room and headed down the corridors.

His mind was fuzzy.

He doesn't recall a thing. And when he tried to recollect, a searing pain through his head was all that greeted him.

Kon staggered on the hall.

He placed a hand on the wall, to keep himself from falling.


An alarmed Lin rushed towards Kon.

Kon stopped.

He squinted at the person in front of him as his mind tried to place the face.

However, the searing pain from his skull, made him tightly shut his eyes. He grasped the nearest doorknob.