He made you weak

Kon discreetly watched the devil as he ate. He furrowed his brows as he wondered why the devil was in such a good mood.

“Don't you like vegetables and fish? The doctor said it's good for the brain.” The devil frowned. “Do you wish for anything else?”

Kon shook his head. “It's okay. I don't wish for anything else.” He glanced at the door of the dining before he turned. “I'm healed now. Can I be able to return to school?”

“Oh,” the devil blinked. “Yes, you can. I will have Scorpion arrange everything for you. You can start your classes next month.”

Kon nodded. He took a bite of the fish and tried not to wrinkle his nose.

He knew Osy was trying to help him, and the least he can do was eat the food.

“Boss.” Scorpion bowed when he made an appearance in the dining room. “Kon.” He nodded towards Kon who nodded to acknowledge him.

“What's wrong?” The devil turned to face Scorpion with an expression that translates into, 'it better be urgent. Else, I will have your head.'