Let's go home

Osy's phone rang the moment he stepped out of the bathroom. He wanted to be ready before the White Empress called. This way, nothing will delay him from going over to his lovely Kon.

He was determined to get Kon back that night. That was why he was extra careful. He shaved, to make his face clean. This way, Kon won't have a reason to shame him.

He hastened over to his bedside table, half hoping it was the White Empress.

Though the number wasn't the one the White Empress called him with, earlier, he deduced it was his other line.

"Hello? Has he arrived?"

"Who?" A rather familiar voice asked.

"Thunder?" Osy blinked.

"I'm honoured that you still recognize my voice, mafia devil. It's an honour indeed." The man laughed.

Osy scowled. "Why did you call me? Didn't we cut ties after the last business you tried to cheat your way through?"

"It's true we have indeed cut ties, mafia devil. However, someone kept on tugging on my legs."