Chapter 4

Aiden Pov

I had been in my office for a very long time.Being alpha is no easy job,i work tirelessly to ensure my pack is okay and safe,it's hard taking care of almost five hundred werewolves by myself,all the stress and hardwork i go through on daily basis sometimes wears me out and sadly i have no one to go back home to.

At 26 my life is so boring,mainly because the other half of me is not here,yet.I have travelled to every pack i know of looking for her but i end up with nothing.My wolf and i have been really frustrated lately but there is nothing much we can do.Just keep hoping and wait, even though we are running out of time.

I know my pack needs a luna and am afraid i can't give them that, though i know of she-wolves who have been trying to get that position to themselves but i feel it's not right.I've had sexual relations with a couple of them but that's just that, nothing more.

My wolf had been nagging about going out for a run so i left my office to give him that.It's the least i can do for him.Two of my pack members are having a birthday party and everywhere is crowded, i pass through the crowd ignoring females undressing me with their eyes and head to the forest.I think they're trying so hard and i hate it.

I am in the middle of the run when my gamma (third in command) Ace, mindlinks me there are intruders in the pack and am forced to back.Like i said,i barely rest.

Pulling on my grey sweatpants,i don't mind a top because to us werewolves nudity doesn't bother us that much.I head to the party where apparently the supposed intruders are,with so much crowd an enemy can easily take advantage of that and attack, that's why we don't take things lightly even the little ones.

My wolf have been restless since morning and as i near the crowd he becomes more restless and allert, i don't know if its because of the impending danger or it's completely something else.

The crowd becomes silent parting way for me, giving me the respect i deserve.Leading so much people makes me strict, in order to make sure this wolves remain in shape, am forced to be ruthless, strong and fierce that's why my presence demands attention.It's not a position for a soft heart or weak unless i want them to challenge me with every chance they get, or disrespect me.I make them understand am the Alpha, i don't joke or laugh with them and i love how submissive they are.

In the middle of the crowd is my beta and gamma in their wolf forms, and before them is liam and two strangers, who by their scent are wolves and standing protectively infront of a person who isn't clear in my line of vision.Yet.

" What are outsiders doing in my pack?" my voice is loud and firm.

"Am sorry alpha i invited them" liam says timidly submitting to me.

"With who's permission" how can he invite people in my pack without my permission,how sure is he they are not a threat .Am about to order for them to be taken to the cells until the sound of a soft gasp catches my ears, that's when i see her.

The girl they are protecting,her scent, the moment i looked in those eyes my heart skipped,the reason my wolf have been restless all day.


The wait was indeed worth it.Words can't express how beautiful the girl before me is,i take slow steps towards her gaping at her beauty.

Her long silver hair falls effortlessly down her waist,her eyes looking at me in awe and wonder are blue like the ocean,i hope she finds me attractive.I have never been insecure of my looks but looking at the angel before me,i feel not worthy.And she was send from the skies just for me.Her lashes are dark and long carressing the skin of her face everytime she blinks.

Damn she's gorgeous.

Her long legs are stands in a perfect posture like she's posing for a photo,her tiny waist leads to the small curves perfectly enhancing her figure.

Her skin is clean and spotless, no blemish at all,no flaw just perfect.

She's insanely beautiful.

And mine,only mine.

Within seconds am holding her,lost in her scent.


My wolf keeps chanting,i could hear gasps from my pack,i know it's unexpected because i had lost hope too but here she is.

She's worth the wait.

This is what i have been missing all my life,the other half of me.My mate.

Created for me,just for me and me alone.


Her scent is like fresh air,taking away all my stress and worries, calming my head and nerves, it's soothing to my soul , a gentle caress to my heart.It's promising, i wonder how i have been able to survive all my life without this.I can stay in her arms just breathing her in for the rest of my life.This is the best feeling i have ever had in my entire existence.

I feel her relax in my arms inhaling sharply and that makes me smile.She feels the same way.

All mine.

She tries pushing me away but i hold onto her tight.No way in hell am letting her go now that i found her.I have been waiting all of my life for this moment and i will be damned if i let anything happen to her.She's mine to protect and care for,from now on.

"Get away from her" a voice booms from the crowd.And who else if it's not alpha Gabriel sticking his nose where it doesn't concern him,and what is he doing in my pack to begin with?

I growl at him and he growls right back, my mate stiffens in my arms.Scared?

"What's going on" her voice is low and almost breaking.I look down at her glossy eyes and realise one thing,she's human and doesn't understand what's happening here.


Am so stupid.She must be really freaked out by the sight of wolves and here we are growling at each other and scaring her.

" I said let her go" he shouts again

"No she's my mate" who is he to tell me what to do in my own pack.

"She's my daughter" he yells


Now looking at the both of them,their hair and eyes are the same.I didn't know he had a daughter.Alpha gabriel lost his mate and family ages ago to a rouge attack and that's what changed him.We are not friends just allies but i know his current luna and they have a son.

From the look of it, my mate is shocked too, meaning she doesn't know him and him being her father.

I don't understand how,because she's human and gabriel is alpha wolf.

She becomes more scared but am not letting her out of my arms.

He promises to explain himself later and i nod

After explaining to her we are a pack of werewolves she becomes more scared and that breaks my heart.

What will happens if she rejects me? All my life i have never been scared of anyone or anything.Nothing fazed me but this girl in my arms,she's my world and i knew the moment i looked in her eyes and inhaled her scent,everything changed.

Gabriel persuades me to let her go because apparently she's upset.She didn't know she had a dad who is a wolf,her best friends and her guards are wolfs too.It breaks my heart to see those tears.

I understand she needs time but i need her.I can make her feel better but i know she won't let me because am a stranger to her.She's human and doesn't know how werewolves works.When we find our mates, we become one instantly, complete the mate bond and everything else falls in place,but with human's it takes time.

I don't think am willing to give her much time.She's like my breath now and i can't let her go,because it's gonna kill my wolf and i.

That's why when i let her out of my arms and watch her drive away,it crashed my heart.

And even though she doesn't know anything about us,am getting her back.

Thank you Moon goddess.

I finally found her.

And i need her.

Thanks alot for


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