Chapter 10

Aiden Pov

Walking out of her house that day was the hardest thing to do. I wanted her. Fuck, I need her to myself and the thought of her with another man rendered me so mad that I had to leave.

I know the effect I have on her is vast, the same way she affects me.No one can fight the power of the mate bond even a human, that's why I told her she'll only see me when she breaks up with that boy, but damn it's so fucking difficult. I even regret saying that because I yearn to see her so bad.

It's a day now since I saw her and according to our conversation, she was to do it yesterday but she hasn't called and it's killing me. I can't fucking concentrate on anything because she has invaded my mind. The only thing I think of is her and I just can't stop. My wolf keeps nagging in my head and it's making me insane.

She's fucked up with my mind and ruined me and I haven't even kissed her yet. I remember those lips, moist and inviting.

The way her eyes innocently gaze at mine as if she's trying to unravel something, I can only imagine what was going through that pretty head of hers.

How her cheeks flushed every time I caught her staring.

I constantly felt her gaze on me when I wasn't looking and it made me laugh because she thought I didn't notice. But I gave her that joy cause I didn't wanna embarrass her. Those legs were so long and appeared smooth. She had no idea how I wanted to feel them, have them wrapped around my waist while I do things to her. Things only I will teach her. Fuck.

Her job description fits her perfectly. She has the body and looks of a model. A hardworking independent girl yet so young, I loved the way she takes her studies seriously, all those piles of books scattered on the table was so impressive. While teens her age are busy partying and spending their parent's money, my doll is busy studying and earning her own.Priorities.It compels me to appreciate her even more.

I will never stand in the way of her dreams, instead, I will support her even if I don't like it.

As long as she's mine and with me.

It took me an incredible fraction of self-control to not touch her, more reason I left. Especially when she kept staring at my lips. Even my wolf was on edge all the time I was with her, seeing her in that sweatshirt knowing she was not wearing anything else beneath was torture.

Damn that girl is sexy, and she has me fucked up.

Whipped actually.

I have to practice patience with her, it's hard but she's human and humans take things gradually. Am willing to do anything for her. It made me unhappy when she talked about family. My parents were thrilled when I told them I found her and they want to meet her. She has me though and am not going anywhere because we are family now.

"I don't understand, why don't you just go to her, you've been sulking since yesterday," carl says watching me.

He's been here for a while and I keep zoning out on our chats. Only one person to blame for that.

"You are the one who advised me to give her time, remember?" I quirk a brow at him questioningly.

"Yeah, and from the looks of it, it's fucking you up. I have been talking to you but it seems you are not even there" he says in a scolding manner

You have no idea carl. He's the only one allowed to disrespect me like that, he's been my best friend since we were in diapers.

" I gave her an ultimatum" I mumble " that she'll only see me when she breaks up with that boy" I sigh knowing it was a terrible idea.

"You did what? Damn Aiden I told you how much what's going on right now is breaking her" he says frustratedly

"I know" I murmur avoiding his gaze

"She has a sweetheart and she's afraid of hurting people she cares about, you should've just trusted her" he looks at me with disappointment.

"I trust her, it's just this mate bond. It makes me jealous okay" I attempt to defend myself.

"I know that and trust me, mel feels the same way and she's going to do the right thing. She's a good girl and you better treat her well. I promised to be her brother, remember? " he inquires raising his brows

Brother. Of course, I remember when I sent him to check on her and was so delighted when he came back. He has no family left and if the idea of being her brother makes him happy it's okay with me, plus it will be good to have someone watching out for her too. My girl can use a brother.

What he says is true though, but I want Melanie all to myself. Am doing everything he says but it's not working especially with a wolf inside me who the only thing running in his head is the word mate.

Carl looks at me sighing, he knows am a lost case and he chuckles shaking his head "Just get out of here man, I will take care of everything. I have been doing a lot of that lately you know, go get your girl"

Now he's talking and he doesn't have to say it twice.

"I owe you bro" I nudge his shoulder heading out, when this is over am giving him 2weeks off, he deserves it. He's been doing all of my work because since the day I saw mel I can't concentrate On anything anymore. It will only stop when I have her with me, that's when my wolf will calm down. I hope she realizes.

Taking one of my sports cars, I drive like a maniac to her school. I have people secretly watching her for me, not like am a creep or anything just guards to make sure she's okay.

They haven't closed yet so I have to wait which isn't a problem for me as long as I see her.

I exit my car as soon as students start piling out and women gawking at me without shame. I could've appreciated that if I wasn't mated but right now I can't even think of other women because she has me wrapped around her little finger.

Speaking of my mate, she comes out laughing so hard and am pleased to see her that way until I see who's next to her, who's making her laugh. Don't tell me she didn't break up with him. She hasn't seen me yet and I keep staring praying it's just friendly chitchat even when my wolf wants to rip that boy apart.

My hope is crushed when the boy presses his lips on hers, and I watch her kiss him back.

That is the most hurtful thing I have ever encountered in my life. Rage builds inside me and my wolf itches to come out, scratching at my skin wanting to shift. I feel my body shaking and I know if she doesn't stop something bad's gonna happen.

Just by luck, axel one of her guards breaks them apart and points in my direction and that's when she sees me. A look of hurt and guilt is clear in her eyes but that doesn't soothe my wolf, I am furious, what should I do? I can't create a mess here.

I think it's best if I just get out of here. Maybe she doesn't need me anyway, I have given her time right? It's been a week already and if she felt what am feeling she wouldn't be kissing another man. I should just suck it up and pretend I never met her even if it hurts. If he makes her happy so be it. Just gonna get the hell out of here.

With one glance at her, I get in my car ready to drive away, my wolf is howling and protesting but I can't give him what he wants. I can't force her to be with me or do anything she doesn't want to. We are wolfs and she's human. I understand if she doesn't wanna be around us.


"Aiden " her soft voice breaks through my thoughts.

Rolling my window down I raise my brow at her waiting for her to say whatever she wants to.

She's so beautiful it hurts.

" Let me in please " she whispers.

I hate how she's able to get to me without even trying. I wish I had the same effect on her.

"What do you want Melanie? you should go back to your boyfriend " I can't believe I just said that.

"Aiden please" she looks at me with teary eyes.


Am so fucking weak for her, I open the door without uttering a word and drive full speed when she gets in. I need to blow this steam off before I do something stupid.