Chapter 20


Aiden pov

I stare at the stack of papers on my desk and sigh. I hate this job but sadly it isn't by choice, rather a birthright.

I gave Carl a week off and now I have to do everything by myself.

He doesn't deserve what that woman did though.

Glad it happened after the affair because I could've felt sick than I feel right now.

I can't believe she rejected my best friend and beta because of me.

I have never seen stupid in my life until I met her. She wasn't even a good lay.

I haven't forgotten what she did to my mate and she's already paying for that.

I can't imagine Mel leaving me and I don't want to infer how miserable I will be if she left.

Call me whatever but that girl is my life. She makes everything easier especially when she's here.

My mate gives me a reason to get out of this office and with her beside me, I get to have a decent sleep something I never had in a long time.