Chapter 28

"Who is that?" I look at the man like he is joking.

Why isn't he aware of her?

"I mean the woman who brought me here" I elaborate looking at him hopefully, I need to know where she is.

She can't just dump me in the middle of nowhere.

"I knew one day you will find me and I have been expecting you, if you had somebody with you then I had no idea" he explains and I adjust in my seat.

Well, that is unsettling. She just vanished and left me out there to die yet she called herself my helper?

"I don't know if you know it, but everyone is in great danger, Melanie. That's why we need to shorten this training before your father finds you here" he looks all serious as he explains that.

I remember athena telling me that my dad is the one who brought me here to lock my wolf away.

"Does he know am here?" I mumble curiously. If dad knows am here, probably Aiden will and I can't wait to see him again.

Aiden will surely come for me.