Chapter 40


I had to call an emergency alpha meeting because of what happened earlier.

I can't risk it occurring again.

My mate is still unconscious and we won't be lucky again if they appeared right now.

Not only that, but I also feel bad for putting her in danger like that.

She could have gotten hurt and I don't know if I can bare that kind of guilt.

I am the one supposed to be protecting her, not the other way round, and It will not be okay if the whole pack depended on her that much.

I feel terrible for leaving her alone in her current state, I trust my sister though, and I don't think anything will happen to her in my room.

I am sure this meeting will be over before she even wakes up. She was so exhausted.

Around me, are eight Alphas from the packs surrounding mine.

Both of us are victims of the King's barbarity and I'm happy we all have one goal.

To bring the fucker down.