Chapter 46


I can't help the feeling that something is gonna go wrong.

"Babe" I stop to look at my mate.

"Promise me something" I drop his hand and hold his neck.

"What?" Aiden looks at me sceptically like he knows what am about to ask.

"In case of anything, make sure, mum, dad and Ty get out of here, you too, stay safe at all costs" I gently rub my thumbs on his neck.

"Can you just stop saying that?" he untangles his body from mine and starts walking away.

"It's inevitable Aiden, I was chosen to end this, and it's not guaranteed I will come out alive" I yell at his back and hastily follow him.

The truth is, am scared. Being powerful doesn't give me confidence, I am inexperienced and my opponent is fucking king.

He got me once and am sure as hell that when he gets the chance again, am done for.

'Stop that Mel' Athena warns in my head.

'Where were you when I needed you?' I retort harshly.

'I am here, aren't I? Trust me, today you will need me'