In the grand room both guards sat awkwardly as all eyes of Asterin watched them with disbelief. They couldn’t help but wonder if they were actually insane enough to show up to this kingdom or if impending doom was on its way. Sebastian shift his weight from one foot to another waiting for King Harry and Prince Jack to take a seat on their thrones. "I think we should go." Sebastian whispered to Cain who only grunted a 'no'. A fairy fluttered in front of Sebastian and he stared at the creature in admiration. Cain's face scrunched up as he looked at the creature thinking how ugly it was.
"It's cute don't you think?" Sebastian asked as Cain once again grunted 'no'. The fairy who fluttered in front of Sebastian instantly gave off a small screech signaling for a couple more fairies to come. They instantly circled around Cain who spun around in place trying to swat them away. The Asterians, who stood on the side lines, giggled watching Cain pathetically swatting the fairies away.