Chapter 2: At first sight.

I WENT straight to their flower shop where kyn is on guard, it's Sunday and she doesn't have class. I caught her smiling again on her phone and I guess kyn is in love with someone else.

" Who is he?" I brokenly asked. Kyn abruptly closed her phone and go straight to the sunflowers.

"Nothing," she said. She's so obvious, she thought I didn't notice it.

" what? Do I need to take you to the mental hospital? Smiling and giggling for nothing?" I threatened. She stops and turned around looking at me grinning.

"ok ok, his name is deve" she finally answers.

"Deve? is that his real name? " I repeat.

"No, that's his nickname, why?" she curiously asked.

"Sounds like the name came from ancient times" I jokingly said then she laughed.

"Yeah cause his real name is dave" she continued while laughing out of her lungs then she continued to tell me about deve.

I was right and wrong, deve is not her bf but she likes him, she does not know if he likes her too. "Come with me later" at her request.

"Where?" I asked.

"Of course at the beach!" she excitedly said. I know she's going to introduce deve to me the way her eyes sparked and the way her lips made a big smile.

Kyn is always acting like a boulder even though she was not. She doesn't know that I've noticed it for a long time, she may be thinking that she hide it from me but she's wrong. I don't want to force her to tell me the reason why, I just always telling her that I am always here for her. At 21 of age, kyn is mature enough to handle her pain.


Here we go in broad daylight at the beach where people go swim, sunbathe, play around, and yeah get drunk as what my eyes be seen.

I'm wearing a white sleeveless semi-dress paired with white slippers and kyn wearing green shorts and white tops paired with green slippers. Kyn's head kept turning left and right looking for deve while my eyes looked around to find something that can amaze me.

"Where is he?" kyn asked herself while we made our way to the cottage. You can see in her face how excited she is to see deve. "oh! There he is!" she's happy to say it as we reached the cottage.

When I turned to see deve I was surprised when someone appeared in front of me who was half naked and only black long shorts he wore. he was so tall that my face was so close to his chest that has a dragon tattoo. I raised my head to look at him.

He has long hair that could reach his shoulder, gray eyes, and cherry lips which made me confused if he is a man or a woman "is he deve?" my head asked. Suddenly kyn grabbed my arms and pulled me away from him, I wondered why.

"Why are you here trevon?" kyn asked flatly. So his name is trevon, I thought he was deve. I saw kyn's face and was not happy that Trevon is there.

"Deve invited me here," he said on his poker face. He looked at me before he goes to the side of the sea.

There's deve walking toward us, like trevon he has long hair that could reach his bank, he has a semi beard and mustache.

"Why did you bring trevon here?" kyn, asked annoyed as he reached where we are.

"Well, Trevon insisted to come with me," deve said.

"Oh, that guy" kyn's rolled her eyes. I wondered why is kyn annoyed with Trevon. Is Trevon her ex? "By the way, Deve meet my cousin, Cassie" kyn's led. I thought she forgot my existence. Deve gave his hand as he wanted to shake my hand.

"Hello Cassie, I'm deve, kyn's admirer" then kyn hit deve's shoulder because of his joke. I laughed as I accepted his hand.

"Nice to meet you Deve" I responded. Kyn told me that deve is taking a course in architecture and they are both graduating.

I don't know why my eyes automatically turned and looked for Trevon. He is just sitting in the sand and seems like he is in deep thought, then kyn comes near me and whispers.

"Don't ever mess with him if you don't want to see the devil side of him" kyn's warned.

"Why? Who is he?" I asked curiously.?

"To be honest, I've known him as a fighter, which means a troublemaker," kyn said. Not a day goes by that Trevon doesn't get into a fight and Kyn doesn't know why Deve is always with Trevon even though she always telling Deve to stay away from him but Deve did not listen. "Deve's always excused that Trevon needs him then that's it, I didn't ask him why 'cause I know Deve won't say it" she continued.

I didn't know what to say after that cause I'm not in a position to judge him. I know we all people have a reason why our actions seem to be unplanned and that should not happen. I guess Trevon can't control it.


I TOOK OUT my drawing book and pencil from my bag, I was trying to draw the sea, sun, and trees but it came out that there is missing. I'm not satisfied with what I draw and if I paint them it would be miserable. Until my eyes caught Trevon kicking the sand, I strengthen my arm to point out my pencil in a lengthy way, I closed my left eye and I could see a blurry Trevon behind the pencil then I start to draw him.

My eyes kept following him while my hand do the work but when it took a bit longer than my eyes out from him I was startled when someone took my drawing book out of nowhere, I stood up to see the person and it was Trevon. My eyes widen.

He just looking at my drawing then I was surprised when he ripped one page and crumpled the paper Then he gives it to me. He did not say any words and was about to leave but I stop him. "Wait!" He stopped and turned to me. "Why did you do that?" I madly asked. He comes close to me and hardly looks at me.

"What about you? Why did you do that?" my madly face turned into confusion "You draw me without my permission" he said then he walked away and left me hanging.

Well, it's my fault, I did not ask him permission to draw him, I didn't know he is just that shallow. I did not even say anything to defend myself cause there is nothing to defend. Oh my bad, I just hit my forehead for the stupid thing I've done.

I was startled when kyn dashed my notes into the table, she was standing with her hands on her waist, and she clenched her jaw with furrowed brows. "What's his problem!" she madly asked me. I told her what happened recently and I said that it was my fault. "He is so shallow, it's just a draw! You should have said that you just tried to draw him, nothing malice" she continued.

"I-I didn't even move when his eyes captured my eyes, he was so mad," I said, looking afar. Yes, he was so mad as if my body was inside the fridge, did not even move like ice. After I met his eyes, my curiosity went up about him.


WE PUT our stuff in kyn's pickup truck to get back home, Deve helped us. I noticed Trevon was not with us but Deve told us he want to stay at the beach for a bit longer. I don't know why I'm thinking about what happened earlier, after I met his eyes he kept in my mind that even my brain wants to say something. "Cassie are you ok?" kyn broke my reverie again.

"Huh? Ye-yeah" I just respond. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm ok, kyn looks at me like she did not believe me. Until I found out what my brain wanted to say. I felt like Trevon was the missing part of my painting in my mind, and I imagined how powerful he has in my painting.

"Thank you Deve," said kyn. Deve waved us to say bye and we got into the pickup car. When kyn starts the engine I winced.

"Kyn, do you remember what I said?" I have asked her. She just tilt her head and tried to remember what I said. "that when you like something to paint on, it's like when you have a crush on someone at the first glance then it's yours" I continued.

"Ah yeah, why?" She asked. I looked at kyn.

"I need him," I said. She was confused, then I got out of the car without explanation. I ran looking for Trevon, yes I need him in my painting, I strongly feel that he can help me with this.

I caught him talking to another girl sitting at the cottage but I don't mind it. Instead, I just continued walking toward him. When he turned his head he noticed me, I saw his reaction confused and I know having questions in his mind why am I still here? He stand as I reached and looked at him. "I need you" I directly said. He blinked once then he smiled that causing my eyes widened.

Asked me why he smiles. Is he agreed? Is he want to help me? So much going on in my mind or

I just don't know what's on his mind.