Chapter 8: Trust.

NOW, it’s like we’ve both come out of our shadows. A secret that can never be hidden from the person who can be a part of your life. At this moment when our eyes lacked each other, it seems as if I was just the only one who got surprised and not him.

“hmm, excuse me, we will go outside so you guys can talk,” kyn said inviting deve to come outside. But before kyn went out the door, Trevon spoke.

“Is there a necessity to talk about?” kyn stopped by what we heard from Trevon. “You guys can go, I need to rest,” he continued.

Trevon was very cold, no, he was cold in the beginning, treating people around him like a block of ice that he can melt but kyn does not belong to that ice. I saw how kyn frowned.

“Hey! I know you are sick but I don’t like what comes out of your mouth stupid asshole!” she’s mad, kyn was very mad. Deve quickly approached kyn to wean her off but kyn doesn’t want to stop, Trevon did not bother to look at kyn he just ignored it.