Chapter 26

“That’s not polite,” Monica said without breaking stride.

“Oh, shite.” The words slipped out before Kira could stop herself.

Only one group aside from the Readers on Valta were capable of such

thorough mental blocks, due to their own telepathic abilities. But that meant

Monica had trained as a TSS Agent, and she may also possess telekinetic


“You’re…” Kira began.

“Yes, I spent a year training as a TSS Agent before I was enlightened

about their ass-backward ways,” Monica completed. “You shouldn’t be so

surprised, knowing firsthand what it’s like to have the military use you for

your special abilities.”

Kira’s pulse spiked. She tried to settle it, knowing the telepath would be

able to pick up on the slightest changes to her demeanor. Shite! Did I tip her

off to my mission during our last meeting? She couldn’t remember if she’d

tensed or hesitated while responding to any questions. “You’ve read my file.”