Chapter 42

“OH, FOK! FOK, fok, fok!” Kira scrambled to her feet.

“We can’t be here, Kira,” Leon said, his voice pitched with fear.

Kira pulled herself together. “Grab whatever you need. We need to get

out of here!”

Leon shut down the equipment in his office and then they began

marching as quickly as they dared toward the exit. No more than four meters

outside Leon’s office, they were stopped by one of the techs on Leon’s team

—Marty, based on his ID badge.

“Heading out early?” Marty asked.

Is he a stall tactic or just lonely? Kira didn’t care to find out either way.

“Sorry, I just came down with a major migraine and Leon is taking me


“Yeah, I’ll drop her off then be right back,” Leon said, playing along.

Marty frowned. “That’s what’s going on, huh? When I saw you crawl

under Leon’s desk, I thought something else was up.”

Leon blushed. “Uh…”

“Maybe I worked myself into a headache.” Kira wished she could have