Battling Against the Maiden of Bones

Looking at Kelvin’s blood drills, together with his frightening appearance, Larisa truly understood why Kelvin was called the host of the blood demon. And seriously, who could blame her.

Kelvin looked like a half demon which came straight from the deepest parts of hell. From his long pointy dark red horn, to his blood red and dangerous looking left eye, with his demonic scar marking. And not to mention his blood drills. All this really made Kelvin a terrifying sight, that could scare the living shit out of anyone who looked at him.

“Okay, now I’m ready. Let’s kill this nightmare.” Kelvin said.

After that, Kelvin and Larisa started running straight towards the maiden of bones. The maiden of bones spotted the both of them, and just like before, it attacked using its bone hairs.