Ethereal Serenity


Time: 8:35 PM


Ravencrest was a town nestled in the mountains, and shrouded in perpetual fog. This town was popularly known for its arts, culture, and natural beauty. However, besides these three things, Tourist and food enthusiasts regularly visited the town because of its rich food and wine.

All in all, Ravencrest seemed like a normal town, but it wasn’t. In fact, it was far from normal.

Firstly, Ravencrest was a temporary cover base for the fallen angels, and their eye fraternity underlings. Secondly, every single human in this town – unbeknownst to them – were under the marked ritual, and could be easily controlled with a single thought.

And finally, within a certain room in a secluded villa, was an opened hell gate. So, with all this, it shouldn’t come as a surprise, that Mophran could be seen currently walking into this villa.