Neko! Cat Noir x Reader Pt.2

Days have passed. Adrien has grown very...protective over you. Any visitor you have, he would hiss at them, especially your guy friends.

Since he was a cat, you didn't think he loved you.

Today, you went to school. Your head was pounding from having to listening to Chloe's whining. She was your partner for a science project, and she wasn't having any of it.

"Hey! (Y/n)-brat!"

You groaned and turned to see a very intimidating looking blonde. Her blue eyes narrowed. "I need a latte. Here's the order."

You turned to carry out her command. Your headache grew worse with each minute. Her high pitched voice made you flinch.

"Oh, and screw it up!"

Your upper lip twitched trying not to shout at her. You balled up your free fist in anxiety. (I do that a lot but not in a threatening way. Lol.).

A growl came from your lips as you walked away from the classroom. Outside, you saw strikingly familiar cat ears peer from a corner of the building. You ignored it because you had to get the drink.

As you exited the school, a voice called your name. "(Y/n)!" You turned around to see Adrien wearing a black suit and holding flowers.

A blush spred to his cheeks.

"I-umm-wanted to give you these. You kn-know, since it's-" You cut him off with a hurried tone. "I'm sorry, Adrien. I've gotta get this drink or else I'm not going to pass this class."

Tears welled up in your eyes. You quickly turned away, walking off.

Adrien stood there, anger boiling within him. t He walked into the school while you were on your little trip.

You walked into the coffee shop, the smell of coffee beans, chocolate and all sorts of sweets filling your senses. A sigh came from your lips. "This used to be my favorite place to come to when I was little...", you mumbled to yourself.

You rarely ever went here anymore because your mother had to work long shifts and your dad lived with your grandfather, so you wouldn't have anyone to go with. To you, that was the whole point of going. If you couldn't have fun with someone, why go?

The cashier motioned for you to move up. You smiled at him, reading the list. "Umm, can I have a...caramel latte with whipped cream and a fruit parfait, please?"

You looked at the man in front of you. He jotted down your order and asked for the name. "(Y/n)-I mean...Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois."

The man told you it would be five minutes. You stared out the window. Your eyes caught sight of a black kitten, prancing its way up to the coffee shop.

It clawed at the door handle, then its eyes locked with yours. You walked over to the door, opening it. The kitten walked in, meowing loudly.

You picked it up and glared at it. "Adrien! What are you doing here?", you whisper-yelled. The kitten nuzzle into your arm as a sign of love.

You sighed.

"Chloe Bourgeois!"

You turned around to see the latte sat on a counter. You took the cup along with the fruit parfait. You payed for the order with your week's allowance.

"Great...", you mumbled. You were trying trying to save up for a car, but with Chloe making you pay for her drinks, you could forget about that. You tried carrying all the items, including Adrien.

You walked back to the school, almost in a fit of laughter when you passed the gate. Right in front of you were feathers sprawled everywhere...and mud. You followed the trail of feathers.

Adrien called to you.

You took a quick glance at him. He was purring. "What have you gotten yourself into now?", you asked the feline.

He said nothing.

You kept on walking until you came to your classroom. You turned the doorknob. Immediately, you dropped everything you were holding to clutch your stomach.


Chloe stood, covered in mud and feathers. She was mad, you could tell. The entire class was laughing with you.

"Sh-shut up! All of you! I can get you suspended!"

Chloe looked at you. She gritted her teeth and stomped her way over to you. "I know you had something to do with this, (Y/n)-brat!"

You stopped your fit of laughter and glared at her. "Don't you dare.", you growled. She wasn't about to make you fail this class, get your mom's job taken away, and bully you over something you didn't do.

Her eyes trailed down to the drink. It was spilt all about the floor. You followed her gaze, but couldn't help but wonder where Adrien was.

You quickly looked around the room. He wasn't anywhere. A stinging pain went through your cheek.

You glared at Chloe. You were about to punch her if it weren't for that familiar voice. "Why would you do that to my purrincess?"

You turned to meet with Adrien's emerald gaze. Chloe gasped and was all over him in a second. "Oh, you see cutie. She hit me first and even spilt the drink that bought for "

Adrien's eyes narrowed. You knew better than to speak up. It could mean your mother's job, and she needed that job.

"I don't think it's at all (Y/n)'s fault. You see, I was with her the entire time."

"Umm, Adrien. A word?", you tilted your head to the door. He smiled and nodded his head. "Anything for my purrincess!"

You grabbed his arm and forced him out the door. "Why did you do that to Chloe earlier?!", you whisper-shouted to him. Adrien's ears drooped down.

"I didn't like how she was treating you. It was just a simple prank."

You rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Just, don't do it again, please." Adrien smiled and enveloped you in a warm hug.

"I promise."

"Oh, and why-"

He cut you off with a passionate kiss. You closed your eyes and kissed back. He pulled back from the kiss.

"That's why, (Y/n)."

He carrased your cheek. You looked into his emerald eyes. He kissed you lightly and pulled back.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

You smiled.

"I love you too, kitty."