Gabriel Agreste x Adult! Reader

You stared at the door in front of you. Your hand knocked on its frame three times, hearing a grunt from the other side. "Who is it?".

You hesitated before answering, "(Y/n) (L/n), sir. I'm your new advisor.". That's right, Nathalie was fired. You took her place as the Agreste's advisor.

The door opened after your response. Inside, sat a man with whitish, grayish hair that barely slicked back to his neck. He wore a light, khaki suit thst was complimented by a white butterfly next to his breast pocket.

The man motioned for you to come in, and you followed. You took the seat opposite of his. He looked up, staring into your eyes.

"I'm glad you're here. My son has been lacking in his studies and such for some time now.", the man explained to you. You nodded your head in understanding. The man held out his hand, ready to shake.

"Gabriel Agreste. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss (L/n)."

"The same to you, Mr.Agreste."

Gabriel let his hand go from yours, grabbing a few papers from his desk. He handed them to you, saying, "These are the requirements of each day. As said, you are to wake Adrien up at six in the morning, prepare his school bag, and keep track of his studies."

"Yes, sir.", you replied. This would be challenging, but nothing you couldn't handle. Gabriel signalled a very buff man over.

"Bring Adrien in."


His response shocked you a bit. He sounded like a gorilla! If it weren't for the professional environment, you would have laughed.

In a short while, the man came back with a blonde haired teenager. When his eyes landed on you, there was a bit of disappointment evident in them. Your heart saddened at this.

"Adrien, this is miss (L/n). She will be your new advisor.", Gabriel informed his son. Oh, that was Adrien. You stood up to greet the boy, extending your arm to him.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n). It's great to meet you, Adrien."

"It's...nice to meet you too."

You brought your arm back to your side. Gabriel cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "I hope I made the right choice in hiring you, miss (L/n). You're all dismissed."

With that, you walked out of his office. Adrian was in front of you. "Umm, Adrien?"


"Would you like to be friends?"

Adrien froze. Never, had one of his advisors asked to be friends. He turned to you.

"Are you sure? I mean, wouldn't us being friends upset my dad?"

"If it does, oh well."

You would not regret making a new friend. If somebody needed a friend, you would be there for them. It didn't matter that he was several years younger than you; that didn't stop you from being friends with the kid.

"...Ok, (Y/n)."

Adrien was happy. You didn't care what his father thought. You wanted to be his friend.

Adrien guided you to his room, where he said, "Wanna play basketball?" you checked the schedule in your hands. As of right now, Adrien was to be studying.

You politely replied, "Adrien, it says you should be studying right now. What if we played basketball afterwards?" His head dropped in disappointment. You thought of something to cheer him up.

"How about we do both?"


"We can study and play basketball at the same time. With each correct answer, you get to shoot."

Adrien gasped. You were willing to do that? He jumped in joy, fist pumping the air, and led you inside.

For the next thirty minutes, you both alternated the ball, asking each other questions. Adrien had a smile on his face the entire time. He was very happy.

*A year later*

Gorilla, as you grew to call him, had called you into Gabriel's office. You were very nervous. Was he going to fire you?

As you neared his office, sweat gathered on the back of your neck. Your palms were clutched to the tips of your sleeves. Finally, you were there.

You knocked on the door. It opened by none other than Gabriel Agreste. He was smiling, which sent a shiver down your back.

Only because you had never seen him smile before. His smile was actually very beautiful. He beckoned you to sit down.

"(Y/n)...I've noticed how you've been influencing my son..."

"Sir, with all due respect, Adrien has grown to b-"

"And I am very pleased with it.", he cut you off. His smile didn't fade at all. He then asked you, "Do you know about Adrien's mother?"

You shook your head slowly. You never wanted to ask Adrian that question. You always just assumed she was away on a business trip.

"She...passed...a while ago."

"Oh...I'm very sorry, sir!"

"Don't be. I wanted to ask you if you would like to resign from being Adrien's advisor...and become his mother?", he suddenly asked you. You gasped. Did this mean...?

"(Y/n), I've had feelings for you ever since I saw how dedicated you were to helping my son be happy. All I've ever wanted was for my son to be happy. He's so that you've come into his life."

You blushed. Did he really like you? This was insane!

You always did have strong feelings for Gabriel. Never, would you think he liked you back! You looked Gabriel in the eyes.

"I accept...Gabriel."


Adrian high-fived Plagg, and whisper shouted, "Yes!" Plagg said, "We were right, Kid!" The two had their own celebration for the uniting of (Y/n) and Adrien's father.