Hawkmoth x Superhero! Reader

(A/n)-This will be when Gabriel was a teenager, therefor none of the current teens will be in here. Thanks for reading!

You were battling alongside Hawkmoth, the butterfly superhero. You secretly had feelings for him, but knew better than to let them slip. Right now, you both were fighting against Punk Rocket.

You were Peacock, and you had the ability to de-evilize an akuma much like Ladybug. "You shall hand over your miraculous, or else I'll blast this entire city with my music!"

You made a signal to Hawkmoth to distract him. He nodded his head and crept up behind him. "I've got a tune that'll really get you riled up!", he shouted behind the monster.

You took this time to gather your recourses. You got a cloth, megaphone and ear plugs. You put your plan into action.

You attached the cloth around the megaphone, so the sound wouldn't escape. Then, you had ear plugs just in case things went haywire.

Hawkmoth kept the monster distracted while you ran up to him. The monster was ready to strum his weapon when you ran up to him and made the sound go into the megaphone. The cloth around the megaphone stopped the sound from going anywhere.

The monster stumbled back in shock. Hawkmoth bound his arms behind his back. You took the guitar and slammed it against the ground.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma!"

You swung your beak forward, trapping the butterfly. "Time to de-evilize!" You released the butterfly and waved as it flew off.

Hawkmoth stared at you lovingly. He watched as you threw the megaphone, cloth and ear buds up into the air. "Miraculous Peacock!", you shouted.

Everything was washed over in a wave of blue sparkles. You smiled as you watched Paris go back to normal. You turned to Hawkmoth and held out your fist.

He pushed his fist against yours and stared into your (E/c) eyes. "Pound it!", you both shouted. Your miraculous beeped.

"Sorry Hawk. I've gotta go."

You turned the other way and began running. Hawkmoth started to run after you, wanting to confess. It was too late.

You ran home and de-transformed. You sighed and looked at Duusu. "I nearly couldn't do it today.", you said exausted.

It was all you could do from confessing to Hawkmoth. It was hard to concentrate on a battle when you were constantly thinking of him. Duusu flew over to you and said, "It's ok, (Y/n)."

You fell on your bed. "What if he rejects me?", you cried. Duusu sighed and hugged your cheek. "I think he would, though."

The next day, you walked into school. Gabriel was there sitting at his desk. You smiled as you walked over to him.

"Hey, Gabriel."

He turned his attention towards you and smiled. "Hey, (Y/n). What's-" He was cut off by a scream.

You sighed and shook your head. "Umm, can we continue later? I just forgot something in my locker.", you said. Gabriel nodded his head as you left the classroom.

You ran to the bathroom. There was nobody in there. Duusu flew out of your hand bag.

"We gotta save Paris. Duusu, feathers spread!"

Blue sparkles overcame your body and transformed you. You did your signature pose as you turned into Peacock. "Now to get rid of this akuma and make it back to class before I'm marked absent again."

You ran out of the restroom and went outside. There, in front of you, was a giant clown. You shuddered in fear.

Clowns were your greatest fear. It turned to you and smiled its evil smile. It laughed and shouted, "I am Marco Smasho! Give me your miraculous and you won't be hit with this."

In its hand was a huge pie that had spikes in it. You were paralyzed to your spot. Its giant hand came at full speed to you.

Your eyes widened. Arms pushed you out of the way as you fell onto the ground nearby. You saw Hawkmoth using his long scepter to stop the clown from moving.

You took this as an opportunity to use your lucky charm. "Lucky charm!", you shouted as you threw your beak in the air. A pie fell to your hands.

"What can I do with another pie?"

"Peacock, I don't think this is time for dessert.", Hawkmoth said. You laughed. Then, your attention was turned to the terrifying clown.

Thinking of something, you yelled, "Hey!" The clown looked at you as it became mobile again. "How about a game of Marco Pollo?"

You waved the pie in front of him. He ran over to you to get a whack to the back from Hawkmoth. You threw the pie at his face. "I can't see!", he shouted.

You looked around the clown. His nose? No.

Your eyes landed on his bandana. Your feathers spred as you rose into the air. You glided over and took the bandana, ripping it in half.

You de-evilized the akuma and restored peace to Paris. Your miraculous beeped. You turned to Hawkmoth and held out your fist.

"Pound it!"

You started running off when Hawkmoth grabbed your wrist. "Peacock, wait!" You turned around, blushing.

"What is it, Hawk?"

His miraculous beeped. "Before you reject me..." He de-transformed.

You covered your eyes. "Hawk! You know we're not supposed to reveal our true identities!" His hands grasped yours.

"...see who I am."

He pulled back your hands from your face as you stared at him. Your eyes widened. "Gabriel?"

He smiled at you before leaning in. "(Y/n)...I know it's you.", he whispered into your ear. You gasped.

Your miraculous beeped before de-transforming you. You stood there, mouth agape. Gabriel looked at you.

He leaned in once more, right above your lips. "And I love both sides of you." He pressed his lips against yours.

Your cheeks heated. Your eyes were closed until he pulled back. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Hawk."