Important News

So, this isn't a one shot. It's just some news I have. You can skip this if you want, but it's important, so yeah.

I'm gonna start at the beginning.

I got injured last year and had to have two reconstructive knee surgeries. I was in a wheelchair for six months. Now I'm walking though, so that's good.


Today, I went to the doctor. I was supposed to get an injection to stop the pain in my knee, but I didn't. Instead, my doctor said he would rather do a day surgery to reset some stuff.

So, some time next week I'll be having another surgery. It's more of a clean up procedure than anything. He's going to look at my knee with a camera he'll put in it, and maybe get some of the screws in there out and replace them.

I don't know what all my doctor will do. But I might be too tired and hurting to update for a few days. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading this. I'll still be updating as much as I can before my surgery though. Bye for now!