Luka x Adrien's little sister! Reader pt. 2

(A/n)- I am going to use a song called "Je t'aime" for this. I dont own the song. Credit goes to whoever does own it. Thanks for reading!

An hour passed. You were sitting next to Adrien, thinking of how to spill the news about Luka. "(Y/n), you know I'm just trying-"

"Hey, (Y/n)!"

Your attention was turned to Luka. His face held a smile that made you blush. You smiled back and asked him, "What's up, Luka?"

He grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feat. "I want you to perform with us." Your eyes widened.

"What?!", you screamed. Luka chuckled at your reaction. He pulled out his little notebook and handed it to you.

You looked at the lyrics and gasped. "Oh my gosh! This is so sweet!" Adrien stood up and, being the nosy brother he was, looked at the notebook.

His eyes widened. "(Y/n), you're not seriously gonna perform this with him, are you?", he asked. You sighed and turned your attention over to him.

"Yes, Adrien. I am. I love-"

"Well, hello there, land lovers!"

You were cut off by Luka's mom swinging from the sail. She smiled and winked at you. "Don't worry, lass.", she whispered to you. "I'll take care of it. Go have fun."

You smiled and gave a thumbs up to her. Luka grabbed your arm and ran inside. He handed you the notebook as he got his guitar ready.

Luka looked at you, admiring your features. Your (E/c) eyes danced with happiness. Your smile widened when you looked at him, making his heart flutter even more.

He strummed his guitar one string at a time. You waited until he gave you the signal to begin. Your heart beat with nervousness.

He gave a thumbs up and you started. "Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours. I am forever yours. Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon cher~ You're always in my prayers." You looked over at Luka with a smile.

You practiced the rest of the song. (I'm gonna wait until show time to give the full song out.). Luka pulled you in an embrace and kissed you. "Je t'aime, toujours...(Y/n)."

You laughed and hugged back. "I love you too, Luka." You both stayed like that until it was time to shine.

You walked out on stage holding Luka's hand. You saw Adrien with wide eyes and you felt an uneasy feeling. "Hey, everyone! Tonight, it'll just be me and my girlfriend, (Y/n)!"

You turned to Luka wide-eyed. Your heart thumped harder anxiously. You looked over to Adrien, who had a shocked look.

You felt even worse. Luka grabbed your hand and you looked at him. All of a sudden, all the regret you felt washed away.

You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder. You looked out into the crowd. You out the mic up to your lips and said as planned, "Je t'aime, toujours, Luka."

The crowd cheered loudly as Luka began to strum his guitar with his pick. You looked over at him and waited for his signal.

"Je t'aime, je t'aime, toujours~I am forever yours.Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon cher~You're always in my prayers....Softly, sweetly.Wrapped up in Heaven's arms~Sailing, soaring~Over the moon, gathering stardust~Be still, be safe, be sure~Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours~.........Wishing, praying~All of your dreams come true~Please re-member~Where're you areMy heart is with you~Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, mon cher~(Short pause)Always in my prayers~I am foryours~...Je t'aime, je t'aimeToujours~"

You smiled as you took the mic from your lips. The crowd roared with cheers. Luka looked over at you, proud to have you as his.

You walked over to Luka and hugged him. Some of the fans awed and called it their new OTP. Luka leaned in and kissed you softly.

You pulled back seconds later and looked over through the crowd. You locked eyes with Adrien. He was smiling.

You nearly gasped thinking he was going to be furious. Instead, he clapped for you two. The concert was over soon, and everyone left.

The only person left was Adrien. He walked over to you and hugged you. "You did great, sis."

You smiled as you returned the hug. "Thanks...Bubba." You giggled at the old nickname.

Luka walked over to you and pulled you from Adrien. "You were amazing! How is it you only had choir?", he complimented. Adrien glared at him.

"Lieten, Luka," Adrien atarted. Luka looked over at Adrien. "I'll let you date my sister as long as you treat her right. She's very important to me. Just know that if you do hurt her, I'll come after you." Adrien's frown switched straight to a smile.

Luka was a little scared. He never knew Adrien could just switch like that. You giggled and linked your arm with Luka's.

"Go easy on him, Adrien. He's my first boyfriend for crying out loud."

Adrien turned to you and smiked. "Oh, alright. But just know-" You cut him off. "Yeah, yeah. You'll go chasing after him. We get it."

You all had a great time that night. Luka remained your boyfriend for years to come. You were all happy.

"Je t'aime, (Y/n)."

"Je t'aime toujours, Luka."