Kim x Shy! Reader

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You walked into the locker room with your best friend, Mylène. She was telling you about how Ivan finally confessed to her and how happy she was. You sighed thinking about Kim.

"Him again?", she asked. You nodded your head and said, "I just can't seem to even say hi." You turned your head after hearing a noise.

Your eyes widened as you saw Kim slouching against his locker. You scanned his body for any injuries from afar, landing on his muscles. Your eyes stayed glued to them.

"Um, (Y/n)?"

You shook your head and turned to Mylène. "Y-yes?", you asked. She giggled as she pointed to your mouth.

"You're drooling."

Your cheeks flushed red as you rushed to wipe it away. There was a cringy laugh from your side. you thought.

The snob herself made an appearance and touched your shoulder. "Oh look. (Y/n) is going googly eyes for my boyfriend." Your eyes flew open.

You nudged her hand off and backed away. Mylène covered you and argued, "We don't want any trouble, Chloe. Just leave us alone." She grabbed your hand and led you away.

You took a glance back at Kim and saw his arms bulge, revealing his muscles. You turned back before you could be found as a creeper. You both walked into the restroom.

"(Y/n), I'm so sor-"

"Did you see his muscles? Oh my gosh, he's so strong!" She sighed and shook her head. "Are his muscles all you see in him?"

"No. He's also sweet, kind and doesn't resort to violence although he could." Your mouth watered thinking back to his built frame. She looked reassured and went to the sink.

"If you want, I could try to give you a makeover. Kim likes girls with bright appearances." You smiled and started to walk over to her. You stood in front of her and allowed her to pull your (H/l), (H/c) hair from its ponytail.

She started talking to you as she fixed your hair. "Chloe is mean. We're lucky we got away while we could." You thought back to what Chloe said.

Your heart ached when you realized something. "M-Mylène?" She hummed in response.

"Was Chloe telling the truth when she said Kim was her boyfriend?", you asked her. She (straightened/curled) your hair and looked at you through the mirror. "No. I talked to him yesterday and he's actually over Chloe."

You sighed feeling your heart go steady. Why would Chloe say that though? You decided not to worry about it.

Mylène finished doing your hair and began applying some makeup on your face. You flinched as she brought the mascara to your eyes but allowed her to brush your lashes. A few minutes later you took a look in the mirror and gasped at the sight.

"I love it, Mylène! Thank you!"

She smiled. "Anything for my bestie." The bell rang and you both walked out to the classroom.

You walked in and looked at Kim. His head was ducked within his arms. Sulking? No, he wasn't weeping.

You left it alone and took your seat next to Mylène.

You walked into the locker room, going to grab your bag. There wasn't anybody in there because you stayed back as to not get in anyone's way. The door opened unbeknownst to you.

You opened your locker and checked your makeup that Mylène did once more. You grabbed your bag and closed your locker. Before you could turn around, two arms wrapped tightly against your (B/t) frame.

You gasped as you looked down. They were wearing a red jacket. "K-Kim?!", you screeched.

He leaned in and whispered, "I heard what you said about me yesterday." You struggled against his grip only to fail. He chuckled.

His arms tightened their hold on you as he lifted his head. "You should've just told me." You saw his muscles pop out even more.

There was something about Kim that just attracted you to him. He was very strong and athletic, hence his muscles. Your breathing hitched as you stumbled upon your words.

"I-I didn't kn-know what to s-say."

He lightly pecked your cheek from behind. "Well now you do." His arms released you only to turn you to face him.

You averted your gaze and cleared your throat. "I-I've had feelings f-for you since grade school. I hoped you would feel the same." He leaned in and stared into your (E/c) eyes.

"Does this answer your question?"

He pressed his lips gently against yours. You kissed back with wide eyes. You parted and you looked at him.

"...I love you too, Kim."