Adrien's Route

(A/n)- I recommend you read the first part to this. I rearranged the one shots so this should be directly behind the Adrien Vs. Felix x Reader one shot. Thanks for reading!

You chose to go with Adrien first.

And now you were at the bakery with him, ordering croissants and milkshakes. You laughed as he told you an embarrassing story. "And then he kicked me, and I went flying down the stairs!"

You laughed even harder. "Did he really?" Adrien laughed with you.

"Yes! Felix has always been like that! And then, when Nathalie asked what happened, he said I fell." You shook your head in disbelief. "Felix was a little brat as a kid, wasn't he?"

Adrien chuckled. "You have no idea." Marinette came with your order.

"T-two (F/f) milkshakes and a b-bag of croissants." She seemed shaken up. You turned to her.

"Oh, thanks, Mari! Hey, what's wrong?"

Marinette looked like she was on the verge of tewrs. "N-nothing. Enjoy your d-date." And as quick as she came she left.

You turned to Adrien. "What was that all about?" You took your milkshake.

"I don't know. Maybe it's me. She's always like that around me for some reason. I kind of think she still hates me." You quirked an eyebrow.

He sighed. "The first day I came I caught Chloe putting some gum on Marinette's seat, and I tried to get it up but when she came in she thought I was the one who put it there. And I guess that set a bad impression." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I tried to make things right by giving her my umbrella. I guess that didn't work."

You nodded your head in understanding. "Man, I'm sorry. She shouldn't always jump to conclusions like that." Y'all left the bakery and were now walking down the sidewalk.

Adrien sighed. He took a croissant from the bag. He handed it to you and took one for himself. "Mari's always been like that. When Lila came back, she accused her of lying and all this other stuff. It's not that I don't believe her, it's just that her reasoning seems to be coming from somewhere else."

You nodded your head as you ate your croissant. "You know, I'm glad you chose me as your first date, (Y/n)." You looked to him.

"Because I really like you, and I feel as if Felix doesn't actually have feelings for you. I think he's just trying to make sure that "I don't get what a want"." He put emphasis on the last sentence.

You giggled. That does sound like something that Felix would do. "He doesn't even know your favorite color. Which is (F/c) if I'm not mistaken."

You smiled. "That's correct. Ok, if you know so much about me, what's my favorite ice cream flavor?" You were going to tease him.

"(F/ice cream flavor)."

"And my favorite band?" You quirked an eyebrow. "That's easy. (F/band)."

"Ok, I'm convinced. You're stalking me." You laughed. Adrien shook his head, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"No, I just pay attention. I really like you, (Y/n)." You blushed. "I-I like you too Adrien..."

Adrien paused. His eyes widened and his cheeks grew hot. He didn't expect you to like him back.

"Y-you do?"

You giggled cutely. You reached over and pecked his cheek. "Yes, Adrien. I've liked you for quite some time now. It was just so cute watching you argue with your brother over me."

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "So does this mean...?" You raised an eyebrow.

"This means...?"

"Th-that's we're together...?" He inquired. You laughed and gave him another peck on the cheek. "If that's what you want to call it, then yeah."

Adrien blushed and took your hand. "Then there's no need for you to go on a date with Felix, is there?" He smirked.

You blushed. "I guess not. Unless I wanted to make you jealous." You smirked back.

"But I'm not that evil."