Luka x Marinette's Sister! Reader

This was requested by @Mslz11. Go check them out! Thanks for reading! Also, Marinette is only about a year older than the reader in this. Please keep that in mind.

You sat with Luka on the porch steps of the new bakery. Y'all were exchanging stories of each other's day. "And then he got tickets to Jagged Stone! Man, I wanna be just like him one day.", Luka finished while gazing up at the sky.

You giggled and caught sight of your sister, Marinette. "Hey, Sissy! Come play with us!", you called as she ventured off with her friend, Alya. She turned to you with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, (Y/n). But Alya wants to show me her new phone! Her parents bought it for her just today and I wanna go see it!"

You smiled and told her to be safe, the goodie two shoes that you were. She ran off with Alya, leaving you and Luka on the front porch. "Guess what?", you piped up.

He turned towards you. "My mommy said that I'm gonna start school tomorrow! I'll be in pre-k!" His eyes widened in shock. "Awe, but you won't be in my grade! I'm in kindergarten."

You pouted with him until you got a brilliant idea. "Be right back!" You went in and came out of the bakery with a permanent marker. (Let's pretend that permanent markers actuslly are permanent forever, ok?)

You grabbed Luka's wrist and started putting your initials onto his skin. "So you won't ever forget me!" You smiled while handing him the marker and holding out your wrist.

He scribbled his initials onto your wrist. You both smiled and hugged each other. You talked and that was that.

You walked into the new classroom, a smile gracing your lips. You were now attending your sister's school, Francias Dupont. She was a grade higher, so you wouldn't have any classes with her. You looked at your wrist with Luka's initials on it.

You took a seat while students came into the room. Class started and you took down notes. When school was over you waited for your sister by the entrance of the school.

You spotted her with Alya hiding behind her. You assumed Adrien was around. Ever since last year, she had a crazy obsession with that boy. (*Rolls eyes* You have no idea.)

She even plastered his face all around the room you two shared, including the computer! You were kinda tired of always being greeted by Adrien when you went online. Though you wouldn't say that to your sister.

She walked towards you while sighing. "How was your first day?", she asked, tired. You giggled and gave a thumbs up. "It was great."

You asked her how her day went. "Stressful. Nathaniel was caught sketching me again like last year and Chloe hasn't changed. Not to mention how hard it is to stay away from Adrien. The most dreamy-" You cut her off.

"I know, I know. The most dreamy guy ever in the whole wide universe and his eyes sparkle like the stars while his hair does something called swaying in the wind." She blushed and gave a small 'oops' while walking alongside you. You walked home while chatting about different things.

It's been a few months since you first came to Francias Dupont. Everyone seems to like you, especially the upperclassmen.  you thought.

One day during lunch, a blue haired boy came and sat with you. He claimed that he wanted to isolate himself from everyone else. "No worries.", you told him.

Turns out that blue haired boy had a lot in common with you. You both liked rock music. You both liked Jagged Stone. You both liked (F/f). There wasn't anything you two didn't have in common.

You quickly became friends.

After lunch he dragged you away from the cafeteria and to the library. Everyone else spent their free time chatting. He grabbed your wrist but stopped when he felt the ink from the permanent marker on it.

He gasped and slowly turned around. "C-can I look at your wrist for a momrnt?", he asked. You quirked an eyebrow but slid your jacket sleeve up to reveal Luka's initials. The boy's eyes widened in shock.


You looked at him in bewilderment. "What?" He slid his sleeve up to reveal your initials. "It's me. Luka."

You gasped and embraced your long lost friend. "It's missed you so much." You pulled back and looked at him.

A voice interrupted your conversation. "What are y I u doing hugging my little sister?!" You mentally facepalmed while turning to see Marinette.

"Relax, Sis. He's my best friend."

You tried convincing her but she constantly glared at Luka. "Don't hurt her or lese." She was definitely tougher than she looked.

You left it at that and went to clads.

You walked alongside Luka who invited you to his ship. He wanted to have a jam session and you weren't opposed. You sighed while gazing into his eyes.

"Luka, when do you think we can tell Mari?" He looked at you uneasy and shifted. "I really don't know. I guess it all depends on what feels right."

You nodded your head and held his hand. You pecked his cheek and smiled. "I love you, Luka."

"L-love?!" You turned your head to see Marinette. Her eyes were widened while staring at you. "Yes, I love him. Go ahead and say it."

You were tired of hiding secrets from your sister. She deserved to know. "I've been dating him for a while now.

Her arms cross out of anger. "Treat her right. Or else.", Marinette said. Luka nodded his head violently as Marinette walked off.

"Now then, where were we."

You leaned in and touched his lips. It was special and long. Luka pulled back and smiled.

"I love you,  (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Luka."