Max x Chubby! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

You walked into the school with a deep breath. It was a fresh start. You were determined to make the best of this year.

"Franciose Dupont, here I come."

You walked away from the lunch line and headed for your isolated table. Around you there was chatter. You didn't care for conversation.

You preferred to sit by yourself. It was the only time you got to yourself to just relax. Your thoughts were suddenly cut off when you felt your feet being stepped away from underneath you.

"Ahaha! Look, Sabrina! The loser can't even walk!"

You groaned. Chloe. When would she leave you alone?

She picked on you just because you were overweight and we're nothing like her. She saw you as an opportunity to make herself look and feel better. You despised her.

"She's so fat her legs gave out!" You refused to cry. You can't cry now.

"Leave her alone, Chloe." You looked to see Adrien. He was giving Chloe an ugly look.

Chloe scoffed. "Adrien! I didn't do anything! I was even trying to help her up!" Adrien rolled his eyes.

"Come on, (Y/n). You can sit with us." Adrien helped you to your feet. You blushed from embarrassment.

"Th-thanks, Adrien. But-" "Oh, no! You don't deserve to sit with Adrien! You'll ruin his image! I'm sitting with him!" Chloe cut in. You grew mad.

That was the last straw. "You know what, Adrien. I think I would love to sit with you. Thank you." You puffed your chest out as a way of standing up for yourself.

"Ugh!" Chloe stamped her foot and glared at you. You weren't letting her get to you.

Adrien looked at the floor and saw the mess from your spilt lunch. "Let's get you another lunch." He took your hand and led you away from the still fuming blonde.

"Ugh! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

You looked back and Chloe and gave a small smirk. This only infuriated her more. Adrien led you through the line again and took you to his table.

There sat Marinette, Alya, Nino, Alix, Rose, Nathaniel and Max. You took the seat next to Max. He gave a small wave.

"Hey, we saw what happened. Are you alright?" Max asked. You gave a small nod. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm not letting her get to me. I won't give her the satisfaction."

You smiled to show you were alright. Marinette cleared her throat. "So, (Y/n). How are you liking Franciose Dupont?"

You blushed. "Um, I really like it. There are so many things to experience and it's a lot better than my old school." She smiled.

"Great. Hey, speaking of new experiences. We have a talent contest coming up. The winner gets an all expense aid trip to America." She sighed at the thought of going to America. You squirmed uncomfortably.

"W-well, I don't really have a talent..."

"That's alright! You don't have to! It was just a thought, and even if you don't want to enter for yourself, you can pair up with someone." You nodded your head at the information. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."

You all went back to your lunches, idle chatter here and there. You didn't expect to find yourself sitting with a group like this, but it really wasn't that bad. They didn't judge you, or at least they didn't out loud.

You were specifically drawn to Max. His intelligence and vast knowledge of technology fascinated you. And he didn't seem to care if the others judged him.

You learned that he was entering the contest. He told you his entry was a secret, and that it was sure to be a winner. You were curious about what it was, but didn't ask.

You were starting to like not being a loner anymore...

Miss Mendeleiev cleared her throat. "Alright, class! Get your-" There was a loud buzz. She raised an eyebrow.

"Does someone have a phone out?" She put her fists on her hips. "Who's is it? Give it here."

There was another buzz. The class gave each other glances. You sat there silently.

"If the owner of the phone doesn't come forward, I'm holding everyone after the bell!" You fiddled with your fingers. It sounded like it was coming from Max's bag.

Suddenly something flew out of his bag. You didn't expect to be right. It whirled and buzzed and flew about the classroom.

The class panicked. Max rushed to get his gadget back. "I-I'm sorry, Miss Mendeleiev! It's my entry for the talent contest and I had to make some modifications to it!"

He waved his arms about trying to get the flying object. It flew by you and you successfully caught it. You held it steady as Max rushed over.

"What is it?" You asked curiously. Max flipped the object over and switched it off. The whirring and buzzing ceased.

"I-it's-" "It's mine now! Go to the principal's office, Max!" The teacher cut in. You gasped as the woman tore the device from Max's hands.

Max slumped his shoulders. "Yes, ma'am..." The boy took his bag and left the classroom.

You watched with pity as he left. It wasn't his fault that that thing went out of control. "M-Miss Mendeleiev? C-can I hold onto it for him?"

Said woman quirked an eyebrow. "Why?" You drew a blank.

Why would you need to hold onto a gadget you had nothing to do with? "Um...I'm his partner for the talent contest. I promise I won't let it get out of control again." Whyyyyy would you say that?

You weren't his partner! Heck, you just met him! You mentally facepalmed.

"You can pick it up after class. You're lucky I'm even letting you get it back. Disrupting my class for these shenanigans." She turned and made her way back to the front of the room where she stuffed the gizmo into her desk. You sighed in relief.

"Now get out your pencils! Pop quiz!"

"And I better not catch that thing out in my class again, understood, Miss (L/n)?" You gave a curt nod. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

You took the robot-looking thing and left the room. Now to find Max. You looked back down at the gadget in your hands.

"What is this thing?"

You poked at it and it turned on. "Hello! My name is Markov!" It chirped. Your eyes widened.

"Huh?" It blinked. "Um...hi, Markov... I'm  (Y/n)."

It buzzed. "(Y/n), would you happen to be (Y/n) (L/n)? Age (Your age), height, (Your height), weight-" "Yes, yes. That's me. How do you know my name?"

"Why wouldn't I? It's my job to know all of the people that Max goes to school with." It gave a "smile". "I know you're new, and that you came from (School name). I know the general profile of everyone at this school."