Adrien x Famous! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them! Thanks for reading!

"Miss (Y/n)! Over here!"

The paparazzi were bombarding you with questions about your trip to Paris. It was getting tiring. Your body guard cleared a path and you went inside the limo.

When you got home your dad was talking on the phone with the mayor of Paris. He was always so busy. You shook your head and went to your room.

Growing up with the president as your father has its perks but also its downfalls. For example: When you should be in school you're on a trip to Europe. Sounds exciting, right?

That's what you thought. But your father ran for another term and this is his fifth year as President. He barely had any time for you.

That's why you decided to get away from your social status. Nobody in Paris is aware of you. It's the perfect place!

"Sweetie, Mr.Bourgeois is on the phone. He'd like to speak with you." Your father gave you a smile, almost a sorry smile. You smiled at your father.

You took the phone and spoke. "Ah, yes. (Y/n), how are you?" You giggled at how nervous he sounded.

"I'm alright. How about you, sir?" He gave the same response you did and began telling you of your travels there. "You'll be staying in my hotel, as requested. My daughter, Chloe, will be juet next door. I'm sure she'll show you around."

You smiled and thanked him. After the phone call you looked your dad in the eyes and teared up. You wrapped your arms around him.

"I love you, Daddy."

He patted your head and ushered for you to go pack. You did as he said and brought your already packed suitcase to the living room. The limo parked outside, you braced yourself for an entire year of the Parisian life.

You entered the hotel, excitement coursing through your veins. A huge smile spread across your lips as you spotted Mr.Bourgeois. You skipped over to him and greeted him.

"Hello, dear. Chloe is by the elevator waiting to show you your room." You nodded your head and thanked him. You saw a girl with blonde hair and a yellow crop jacket leaning against said elevator.

You walked over to her and introduced yourself. "Ugh, are the president's daughter? I would've thought you'd put a little more thought into your outfit." You frowned and looked at your clothes.

"The point was to blend in..."

She scoffed and gave a laugh. "Well you sure did a great job!" You entered the elevator, suddenly regretting ever coming.

It's been a week since you first came to Paris. You made a lot of friends at the high school. So far your best friends were Marinette and Alya.

Adrien and Nino were the others in the group. You honestly thought Adrien was cute but saw how Marinette looked at him. You decided to back off since she was there first.

Today you were in the library, studying with Chloe. She decided that if she hung out with you that she would be more popular and look like a nice person. Plus, she was trying to get you to be in her small, and let me emphasise group.

Turns out some of the paparazzi had followed you into Paris. Luckily nobody has found out who you are at school. But you didn't know that Adrien did.

"(Y/n)! Are you even listening to me?" You turned to Chloe with a tired look. "No."

"I think I'm gonna go. I'm tired."

You stood up and headed out the library. Bad move. Nobody ditches Chloe.

Even worse. There's an akuma. But you don't even know ehst those are!

You're from America. Superheroes don't exist there. You've yet to encounter Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"Hey! Watch out! There's an akuma!" You furrowed your brows as a civilian pointed at you. "What's that?"

Then you were grabbed by a huge hand. You gasped as your eyes widened. "What is this thing?!"

Then a staff extended towards you. There was a cat boy. Now you've seen it all.

"Well, looks like you're in a sticky situation, Purrincess."

The boy tapped the sticky substance around you. "Who-who are you?!" He smirked.

"I am the boy of your dreams~" Boy, this cat was very flirty. You rolled your eyes and struggled to get out.

"Ok, get me out of this thing." He gave a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his neck. He whacked the shell and you were freed.

He lifted you off your feet and you gave a yelp. "Wh-what are you doing?!" He raised into the air with his staff.

"Getting you out of here."

Your heart was going a million miles an hour. Your cheeks were a dark red. The cst boy set you down on your balcony.

"Now, what's your real name?" He gave a toothy smile. "Well, giving you my name would compromise my identity, M'lady. But I am Cat Noir."

He fave a two finger salute as he leapt away from your balcony. You sighed dreamily and blushed. "I think I'm in love..."

Cst has been visiting you for the past month. It's always pleasant when he visits because he is now your crush. You've learned some things sbout his home life...and it almost sounds like Adrien's.

But tou shake your head each time thst thought comes across. You didn't like Adrien like you did Cat. You were waiting for said Cmcat biy when you heard a thunp on your balcony.

"He's here!", you squealed. But when you opened your door, you didn't see Cat Noir. Instead you saw a white suit and yellow eyes.


He stood tsll and smirked at you. Your eyes grew and your mouth fell open. "C-Cat...Noir?"

"Haha, nice try, Princess. It's Cat Blanc." You bscked up into your room and closed the door, running. But then you heard the unthinkable. He had used his cataclysm on the door.

You hid in your closet and covered your mouth. Why was he like this? It didn't make sense.

You thought superheroes couldn't get akumatized. Then it hit you. Like a brick, it hit you hard.

What if he wasn't in his superhero form?

But, why would he come after you?! You-you couldn't possibly know him as a civilian! The closet door disintegrated right in front of your eyes.

"Have you figured it out yet, (Y/n)?"


(A/n)- I thought this would be a good cliffhanger. I know it's not focused on the famous part but there might be more of it in the second part. Thanks for reading! Bye for now!