Nathaniel x Actress! Reader pt.2

(A/n)- Hey, guys! So Nathaniel will be out of character for this one. Sorry. Thsnks for reading!


"Cut!" The bell rang and you let the actor go. You sighed.

"(Y/n), do you think we could-" "Not interested, Tony." You walked away from the male.

He caught up to you, pulling his wig and vest off. "P-please! We've known each other for years! Why won't you at least give me a chance?" You turned to him and crossed your arms.

"Tony, I'm sorry. But I don't see you as anything but a friend." His shoulders slumped. "But, (Y/n)-"

"I said no, Tony. Now, please." You turned away from him. You were tired of this.

Tony, a guy you have known for years in the acting industry, has been infatuated with you for the longest time. You were flattered. Really.

But you only had eyes for one person.

You walked down the hall and into your dressing room. You sighed as you took your costume off and switched into your outfit. You looked at your reflection.

And all you saw was a girl. Desperate for a normal life. You brushed through your (H/l) tresses.

Suddenly your phone rang. You picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, (Y/n)!"

You smiled brightly. It was Nathaniel. The real one.

Not the movie one. "Hey, Nath! How's it going?" You heard some other voices in the background.

He must be out with some friends. "Things are great! The only thing missing is you. When do you think you'll be back?" He was so weet.

"I'm finishing up the last few scenes and I'll be on the first plane back next week. I miss you so much." There was a knock on the door. "Oh, someone needs me. I'll talk to you lter. Je t'aime~"

You hung up and allowed the person to come in. It was Tony. You sighed.

"Tony, for the last time-" "I know. I know. I'm sorry. I have no right to pressure you like that. It's just, I really like you, (Y/n). And I don't want you to go back to Paris." He looked away.

"I feel like I'm in an inescapable cycle. You come to America to shoot a movie and go back home to Paris. I'm forced to stay behind and wait for you to come back. It happens every year. We've known each other since we were kids! I know you better than anyone!" He was getting upset now. You looked away from him.

You never told Tony about Nathaniel because you were scared of what he would do or say. You didn't want to upset him, but this has gone on for far too long. You let out a long sigh.

"Tony, there's something I have to say-" "I know. You have a boyfriend. I heard you on the phone." You furrowed your brows.

"Then why are you-" He cut you off again. "Because he doesn't have to know. This can be our little secret. Please, (Y/n). Just give me a chance!"

You gave him a sympathetic look. He had tears in his eyes. "Please, (Y/n)..."

"I'm sorry, Tony. But I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend, whom I really love, just because you're a hopeless romantic. I'm sure there's a girl out there that would love to have you, but that girl isn't me." You started gathering your things. Tony balled his fist.

"But it's not fair! I've liked you way longer than he has! I know you much better than he does! I idolize you, (Y/n)! He doesn't know how to appreciate you like I do!" He grabbed your wrist harshly. You gasped.

"Tony. Let go."

You glared at him. You were done with this. You ripped your arm away from him.

He stood still. You grabbed your purse and phone and went for the door. "(Y/n), I'm sorry."

You gripped the door handle and looked back at him one last time. "I'm leaving. For good this time. So you can forget about me." You opened the door and left.

You got your boss on the phone and explained everything and that you were going back to Paris. He apologized and wished you well. You hung up and let the movie studio, grabbing a taxi and getting Nathaniel on the phone.

"Change of plans. I'm coming home early."

You walked into the bakery, looking for a certain red-head. He told you he would be at the bakery with some friends. You spotted him at a table with Marinette, Juleka, Max, and Rose.

"Hey, guys!" You waved at them. They all turned to you.

"(Y/n)!" Everyone jumped up and rushed over to you. "Why are you home so early?" Rose questioned.

You hugged everyone. Nathaniel wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I missed you," he said.

You blushed. "I missed you too. I missed all of you." You pulled away and took a seat at the table.

"I'm home early because...well...I decided it was time to come home." You decided to not spill everything. You didn't want them to be worried.

"Oh, how about some celebratory cookies?" Marinette offered. You smiled at the bluenette. "Thanks, Mari. That sounds great."

Rose continued with her wuestioning. "So how did the filming go? When will the movie be out?" You suddenly frowned.

"I...don't know. I left before the shooting was over."

You thought back to Tony. You hoped he would be alright. Rose pouted.

"I know. But I just couldn't wait to see all of you!" You gave them a cheerful smile. Marinette came back with the cookies.

Each of you took one. Nathaniel wrapped his arms around you again. You blushed.

You were glad to be back home.

You walked into school with Nathaniel by your side. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. You loved him so much.

Your cheeks reddened as you entered the classroom. Madame Bustier greeted you with a kind smile. "(Y/n), glad to see you're back home safe. How did the filming go?"

Your smile faltered but you kept it down. "It went well. Unfortunately I had to leave before things were finished, but I'm glad to be home." You looked at Nathaniel.

"Well, we're glad to have you. The class has been lonely without you." You thanked her and took your seat next to Nathaniel. You leaned into his shoulder.

The bell rang. All other students filed in. Some greeted you and some took their seats.

"Alright, class. As you can see we have (Y/n) back. But we also have another new addition to the class." You looked at the front of the room and Madame Bustier motioned for someone to come in. Your eyes widened and you let out a gasp.

It was Tony.

You rushed out of the classroom, leaving Nathaniel behind. He furrowed his brows. What was the sudden rush?

"(Y/n)!" You looked to see Tony chasing after you. You glared at him.

"Leave me alone, Tony! This is stalking! Go back to America!" You raced out of the school. There wasn't any escaping this guy.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow! In class!"

You raced down the sidewalk and to your awaiting ride. You saw Nathaniel looking around for you. You would have to call him later and explain.

"C-can we take a detour home, please?"

You looked around and rushed down the hall. You had switched classes to avoid Tony. But you knew that wouldn't stop him.

Moving to a different country didn't stop him. You bumped into someone. "S-sorry-wait. Nathaniel..."

You sighed as you looked at your boyfriend. He looked at you conerned. "(Y/n), what's wrong?"

You frowned and averted your gaze. "Nathaniel, I know my behavior has been a little odd lately. But please, don't listen to a thing that that kid Tony has to say. He followed me here from America. It's a long story, but I won't be in class. I switched over to Miss Mendeleiev's class." Nathaniel's eyes widened.

"Why don't you just tell him off?"

"You don't think I've tried?" You sighed. The bell rang.

"Look, I'll see you after class. We can go to the bakery again and talk." You gave him a peck on the cheek and rushed off to your new class. Nathaniel stood there, confused and concerned.

Maybe he should have a word with this Tony guy.

You sat at lunch with nathaniel. He was telling you of his conversation with Tony. You shook your head at what he was telling you.

"I'm sorry, Nath. I never thought he'd follow me here." You sighed. "Don't apologize. So he likes you. I can't blame him for that."

He gave a small smirk. You smiled. Nathaniel knew just what to say to make you feel better.

"How do I keep my hair so smooth and shiny?" You turned to see Chloe talking to someone. It was Tony.

You furrowed your brows. "Ever since Sabrina left, Chloe's been a wreck," Nathaniel informed you. You put two and two together.

You started laughing. "And- hey! Why are you laughing?" Chloe glared at you.

"Nothing. Nothing."

She turned on her heel and flipped her hair. "Well, then. Where was I?" Tony tried to keep up.

You didn't understand what changed in him, but you weren't complaining. You turned back to Nathaniel. "Looks like he's moved on."

Nathaniel pulled you in for a hug. He pecked you on the lips. "So does this mean you'll be going back to America for acting?"

You thought for a moment.

"No. I think I like it better here with you."