Marc x Sick! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!


Your sneezing became unbearable and you were miserable. You had to miss school since you had a high fever and a cold. No, what you had wasn't a cold.

Ir was much worse. You grabbed another tissue judt as there was a knock on the front door. You didn't have a voice and your legs had given out on you just an hour ago. You hoped whoever it was knew you were ill and would judt walk in.

And that's what they did. You sniffed and coughed. Someone sat next to you on the couch. "Hey, (Y/n). I missed you at school today."

A small smile made its way to your lips as you looked at Marc. "S-same...he-re..," you said inbetween large breaths and a cough. He frowned and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." You wanted to stay in his arms but you didn't want to get him sick. You used what little strength you had to push him away.

"Let's...just chill," you suggested. He gave you a smile, feeling guilty for making you feel uncomfortable. "Oh! I brought you something," he shouted.

You looked at him as he grabbed a box from the floor and handed it to you. "Go ahead. Open it." You took it from his hands and began working at the wrapping.

When you hit the box you cut through it with your hands and found a necklace inside. "Aww, thank y-you, Marc." It was a beautiful (F/c) color with your initials engraved into what seemed to be diamond.

"Happy anniversary, (Y/n)." Your eyes widened. You had completely forgotten track of time!

It was your one year anniversary of being together and tou had completely forgotten. "I-I'm sorry...Marc. I-I didn't g-get you anything." He gave a slight chuckle and shook his head, ruffling your hair in the process.

"Silly, all I wanted was to see your beautiful face."

You blushed, causing your cheeks to only grow more red. "Is-is that're here," you asked raspy. He shook his head and held up a large bag.

"Your mom told me to take care of you while she's gone on her business trip. So I'm moving in for the week." He revealed a few pieces of clothing from his bag to indicate he was ready for his stay. You drooped your head and sighed, then coughed.

"You d-don't have to. I-I can take care of myself." You didn't meet his gaze but you could tell he was glaring at you. "You have literally gone through four boxes of tissues, (Y/n). In a day."

You giggled sheepishly and rubbed your arm. "Yeah...but y-you don't have to take care o-of me." He shrugged his shoulders indicating he was going to do so with or without your permission.

"Your mom left me a list of things to do since you're basically bed ridden for another three to four days." Marc pulled out some medicine from a bag and measured a cap full of liquid, handing it to you. You chuckled lightly before falling into a coughing fit.

"(Y/n), just take it. I'll make you (F/dessert) if you take everything I give you," he proposed. You smiled and took the small cap and swallowed the medicine, gagging. Marc laughed as you pouted. "Good. Now get some rest. I'll be in the kitchen fixing dinner and dessert."

You happily complied and closed your eyes. You loved Marc so much. You were grateful to have such an awesome boyfriend.

When you woke up Marc was sitting on the other sofa and was nearly asleep when you called his name. He looked at you and yawned. "Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty. Dinner's ready."

You thanked him and began eating what he gave you, which was (F/f). He knew you so well. After dinner you had dessert and then it was time for bed.

"I'll take the other couch just in case you need me," Marc reassured. He gave you a hug and kiss to your forehead before walking to the other piece of furniture. At this point you weren't sure if you sitll had a severe fever or if you were just blushing like crazy.

"Goodnight, (Y/n). I love you."

You whispered the same back to him and fell into sleep's arms. You felt so good. Marc had done such a great job of taking care of you, just on his first day on the job.

A few days had passed and you still had a small cold. You insisted you were alright but Marc wasn't having it. "I'm not letting you step foot out of this house at least until your mother comes back. You're still sick and I promised her I'd take care of you," he had said yesterday.

So now you sat cuddled with Marc. You were hoping you wouldn't get him sick just because you wanted to cuddle. "(Y/n), do you want to watch a movie?"

You nodded your head against his shoulder and shifted to where you could see the screen. Marc put on a movie and y'all sat with each other all night watching movies. It was the greatest part of this entire situation.


You rushed to grab Marc a tissue and handed it to him. As he blew his nose you sighed. "I'm sorry I got you sick, Marc."

He smiled and averted his eyes from yours. "It's alright. It just means that I get to spend more time with you." You giggled and kissed his cheek.

As you entered the classroom you saw Marc and wsved at him. He saw you and smiled, motioning you to sit next to him. When you got to your seat you kissed him and smiled.

"I'm glad neither of us are sick now. We can go out or something." Just as you said that you sneezed. Marc quirked an eyebrow.

"Neither of us are sick, huh?"