Marinette/ Ladybug x Female! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"Mari! Wait up!" You panted as you ran to catch the other girl. She giggled and looked back at you, shouting, "Hurry, (Y/n)! Mama and Papa can't hold out any longer!"

You tripped over a large puddle and started crying, as little kids usually so when they're injured. Marinette rsn over to you, worry all over her face. "(Y/n), are you ok?"

You whined and held your arms out to your best friend. "I-I can't get up! Carwy me," you said in your baby voice. She pouted and grabbed your arms, helping you up.

"Thanks, Mari. I'm so glad I have a friend like you."

Tears streamed down your face as you fell into Marinette's embrace. "It'll be ok, (Y/n). W-we can still write letters, right?" She was trying to hold back her own tears.

You nodded your head and cried some more. Your mom put her hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n), hunny, it's time to go."

And that was the last time you had seen Marinette.

"Alright, students. We have a new student and her name is (Y/n)." You awkwardly walked up the steps and took the last available seat. "Hi, I'm(Y/n)."

You shook hands with the red head and smiled. "I'm Nathaniel. Nice to meet you, (Y/n)." He returned your smile and you turned to the front of the classroom.

"Hey, (Y/n). C-can I talk to you?"

You turned your head to meet the gaze of the blue haired, blue eyed girl. She was smiling awkwardly. You gave her a reassuring smile and nodded your head.

"Sure. What's up?" She pulled you aside and looke around. "Um, is your...last name, by chance, (L/n)?"

You furrowed your eyebrows but confirmed her question. "Yeah, why?" Her blush only intensified.

"O-oh, nevermind. My name's Marinette. N-nice to meet you..." She then walked off with a frown. You didn't know why she seemed upset, maybe she mistook you for someone else.

You yawned and stretched tour arms. Your day had been quite eventful.

You paused where you stood and examined your window suspiciously. There wouldn't be someone trying to break in this late, would there? Hesitantly, you crept up to the window and opened it.

You saw a girl in a skin tight red, polka-dotted suit with a mask. You stumbled back and gsve a yelp after falling on your bottom. "Who are you?"

She welcomed herself in and offered a hand, apologizing for gicing you a scare. "It's alright. I overreacted." She helped you up and introduced herself.

"A superhero? Like in (F/comic)?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess, whatever that is."

You folded your arms and jokingly glared st her. "You seriously don't know about (F/comic)? Wow." She laughed which caused you to laugh too.

"Sorry, I'm not big on comics. Maybe you could show me," she said slowly. You grabbed one and handed it to her. "Here. Read this and tell me how good it was when you're done."

She thanked you and looked over the cover. You began talking and found out that she came to inform you thst she would keep you safe at all costs. She wanted you to stay positive at all timed so you wouldn't get "akumatized", as she put it.

"Well, I should get going. I only have a few minutes before I detransform." She waved at you and went up to your window. "And, one more thing, (Y/n)."

You gave a hum in response. "I'm glad you're back." With that she left and vanished into the night.

"What? Wait..."

For the next week you grew closer and closer with Nathaniel. He made tou laugh and tou admired his drawing skills. He even taught you how to draw your own comic!

As of now you were clutching the letter close to your chest. Your cheeks were as red as a Maraschino Cherry and you were waiting anxiously for Nathaniel. "(Y/n)?"

You turned and saw Nathaniel standing there with a blush on his fsce. "Y-you had something to tell me?" You shoved the letter towards him and averted your gaze.

"I-I like you, Nathaniel!"

That's when you heard a gasp. Then something fell and you heard someone run off behind you. Nathaniel was standing there, mouth agape.

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/n). But I like someone else."

Marinette could barely breathe from sll her crying. She slid down her bedroom door and sobbed. She wss really hoping to confess to you.

Besides, she had known you since y'all were little kids! She knew you the best. Not Nathaniel.

She heard the flapping of wings and didn't even move. She didn't care if she was akumatized. At this time she wanted to feel sad, which is whst akumas fed off of.

"Lady Luck, how lucky you are to have finally met me, Hawkmoth. I can give you (Y/n) as long as you surrender that useless miraculous of yours, along with Cat Noir's, of course." At that time Marinette realized just how naive she was. She was about to let an akums take over her!

"No deal, Hawkmoth."

"(Y/n)? Are-are you in there?" Ladybug peered inside your room but couldn't see you. That's when she heard your sobs.

Her eyes widendd and she opene the window, entering your room all on her own. "(Y/n)?" She walked around the room but couldn't see you.

When she left the room she found you in the hallway, knees to your chest. She ran over to you and hugged you. "(Y/n)! What's wrong?"

You looked up at her with tear filled eyes. "O-oh, hey, Ladybug. I-I'm ok." She glared at yoy as she pulled away from the embrace.

"You are not ok, (Y/n). Tell me what happened." You cried even more and leaned into her. "H-he rejected me!"

She held you and the pit in her stomach only grew. Ladybug, or Marinette, really cared about you. She didn't want you to go through this.

"N-Nathaniel?...It's ok, (Y/n). You can tell me everything." You sniffed and wrapped your arms around her. "Where-where do I begin?"

"From the beginning, (Y/n)." You looked into her blue bell eyes and frowned. "Well, I-I knew I didn't stand a chance with you. I mean, you're the great Ladybug, and my best friend. I-I just knew you had eyes for someone like Adrien, Mari."

Ladybug's eyes widened and she teared up. "That-that's where you're wrong, (Y/n)." She gave you a shaky smile and heaved a deep breath.

"Because I love you."

She detransformed and stared into your (E/c) eyes. "A-and I know i-it's probably too late to-" You cut her off by giving a peck to her lips.

"I love you too, Mari. I always have." She smiled and tightened her hug. "I'm glad I have you."