Luka x Shy! Bullied! Jealous! Reader pt.2


Luka came around the corner. "Mari, ple-" He cut himself off when he saw a dark purple glow.

"Oh!" He raced back to the classroom and told everyone to evacuate. "There's an akuma! Everyone, evacuate the school!"

Everyone started panicking and rushing about at the mention of an akuma in the school. You could feel your stomach drop. You had to get out.

"(Y/n), come with me." You turned to see (Random guy's name) holding out his hand. You took it and let him lead you out through the hoard of students.

"Not so fast!" Your arm was grabbed and you were pulled away from your friend. "You're gonna pay for taking my boyfriend away from me!"

It was Marinette! Ladybug...? Akumatized!

She took her yo-yo, ready to capture you with it. Then a staff was placed between y'all and Cat Noir appeared. He ushered you out and you and (Random guy's name) were outside.

"Now, take your little friend here and get her to safety. I'm sure our company isn't leaving anytime soon," the superhero said to (Random guy's name). He bowed his head and took your hand. "Come on, (Y/n). The heroes have it under control."

"B-but it's Marinette! This is all my fault! I-I can't just stand around and watch!" You struggled against his grip. "(Y/n), they'll save her. You'll only get yourself hurt!"

"He's right, (Y/n)." You turned to see Luka. "I'd much rather you be safe and away from here than try to save Mari." You looked away.

Sighing in defeat, you allowed (Random guy's name) to drag you away from the scene. Luka couldn't help the pit of jealousy that settled in his stomach upon seeing your hand in that other guy's hand, but he couldn't help it.

He had a job to do.

Looking around carefully, Luka scurried around the school. Sass zipped out of his bag. "Well, now you've done it," He hissed.

"Now's not the time, Sass. We have to save Marinette." He took his bracelet and transformed. Sass was pulled into his miraculous and there stood Viperion.

"Don't worry, Marinette. I'll fix this."

Luka sat at the table, picking lazily at his guitar. He sighed. "What's wrong, bro?" Juleka asked.

Luka shook his head. "It's nothing." His sister didn't believe him.

Rose piped up. "I think he's in love~" This caused Luka's cheeks to go ablaze.

"What about Marinette?" Juleka inquired. Luka averted his gaze. "She and I...broke up."

Juleka quirked an eyebrow. Luka let out another sigh. "I knew it wouldn't last. I liked her for a long time, but then..."

"But then?" Rose squeaked. She was on the edge of her seat with a smile on her face. "You fell in love with (Y/n), right?"

Luka went wide-eyed. "W-what?!" Rose giggled.

"Silly, we all see it. Just ask her out already! We've been shipping it since she came here!" Luka looked down at his guitar. "I-it's not that simple..."

"Oh, sure it is! Just go up to her and say-" "I can't!" Luka's outburst made Rose jump.

Then it was silent. Rose went to say something when Juleka stopped her. "Don't bother, Rose. Luka just needs some time to himself. Let's go."

The girls stood from the table and left. Luka dropped his head against the table. "Why am I such an idiot...?"

Luka thought back to that moment. Why was he letting that guy stomp all over him? Why should he have to stay away from you because (Random guy's name) doesn't like him?

Luka picked his head up and stared at the empty table. He had to do something. He didn't want to lose you.

So Luka gathered his things and headed out, thinking about how he could get you back.

You walked alongside (Random guy's name), talking about the Ladyblog. "Did you see that akuma fight last night? So cool!" You said. (Random guy's name) just laughed at your excitement.


You turned at the mention of your name. You saw a blushing Luka standing in front of you. (Random guy's name) took your hand.

"Let's go. Class will be-" "(Y/n), wait. Please, hear me out." He approached you.

"(Y/n), let's go," (Random guy's name) repeated, now tugging on your wrist. You pulled away. "What is it, Luka?"

The male's cheeks were covered in a deep red blush. "I-I'm sorry about everything. For never noticing how you felt about me, for making you cry, and for not being completely honest with you." He took your hands.

"(Y/n), I love you."

You felt your cheeks heat up and your eyes went wide. Your body was stiff. Did he just...confess?

"I never wanted to tell you because I was scared you'd reject me. You seemed so shy and distant that I felt I didn't stand a chance." Tears formed at the corners of your eyes. "But give me a chance to make things right. Please."

He stared into your glossy (E/c) eyes pleadingly. You looked away. "I-I'm sorry, Luka. But I don't have those kind of feelings for you anymore."

Luka could feel his heart shatter into a million pieces. He was too late. You had already moved on.

You both were cut off by the sound of the bell. You felt your hand being grabbed and tugged away. (Random guy's name) was pulling you away.

And all Luka could do was watch as the one girl that brought his life happiness was being taken away. He messed up. And now there was no going back.