Gorilla x Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"I'm so glad you're here, (Y/n). It's been so long since I've seen you." You smiled and hugged Emilie, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "I know. It feels like years since we last talked. I'm so excited!"

Emilie chuckled and took your hand. "Gabriel's in his office. He told me to let you in when you got here." She led you down a large hallway with lots of paintings.

Your eyes lit up. "Wow, this is amazing, Emilie." She laughed and blushed a bit.

"Thank you. Gabriel takes a lot of pride in this place. We hope to raise a family here." Your smile grew even wider. "A family? Oh my gosh! When?"

She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "Probably not for a while. Gabriel's been really busy with work lately." You frowned and pouted a bit.

"But you'll be the first to know when that happens." She assured you. Your eyes sparkled in delight. "Oh, thank you, Emilie! I can't wait! You'll make such a great mother!"

You clasped your hands as y'all came to a stop. Emillie opened a door and ushered you in. "This is his office." She informed.

You looked around the spacious room. Then you locked eyes with the male sitting at his desk. "Gabriel!"

You ran up to him and gave him a warm embrace. "How are you?" You asked while pulling away and sitting next to Emilie. Gabriel gave a small chuckle in response.

"I'm well. And I assume you are as well?" He mused. You nodded your head and kicked your legs back and forth like a child. "Yep! I'm back home with my friends and family. What more could I ask for?"

"Right. Well, Emilie told me you were in the neighborhood and were looking for a job. Is that why you're here?" You gave a hum. "Yeah, I haven't had time to look for one since I've been back. I was wondering if you could help me out."

Gabriel gave a curt nod before grabbing some papers from a drawer. "Of course. Just sign these documents and you can start working tomorrow." You took a pen from his cup and started signing the boring papers.

"And how long are you planning on staying this time?" He asked curiously. You went to the next page before giving an answer. "I'm planning on staying for good. I decided I didn't like being away from home for so long."

You signed the last paper before handing them back to Gabriel. "There you go. I'll be here bright and early tomorrow morning!" You gave them both a hug before bidding them goodbye.

"We'll be waiting, (Y/n). Don't forget." Emilie said. You gave her a thumbs up. "Don't worry. I won't."

And with that you walked out of the room and walked down the hall. You sighed in contentment. You were glad to be back home.

"Ah, I'm so happy! Gorilla, aren't you happy?!"

You turned to the large man who gave a nod and a smile. You squealed and squirmed in excitement. "They're finally starting a family!"

You started writing things down on your to-do list. "We'll have to buy all sorts of toys! Clothes! Binkis! Oh, and don't forget about the baby shower!" You went on as you wrote things down happily. Gorilla just sat there watching as you rambled on about the baby.

"We'll need a crib, a baby monitor- Oh, it's going to be great!" Just as you finished your chant Emilie walked in. "I thought that was you I heard, (Y/n). Excited?" She laughed.

You gave a big grin. "So excited!" You wrapped your arms around the blonde.

"I hope it's a girl! We'll play dress up and makeup! We'll have loads of fun!" Emilie laughed as you pulled away from her. "But what if It's a boy?"

You blushed from embarrassment. "I-I guess we'll be playing knights and swords. I didn't really think about it. But even if it is a boy, we'll have have lots of fun." Emilie gave you a warm smile and turned to Gorilla.

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment, but Gabriel needs you to pick something up. Could you do that for him?" You looked at your friend who bowed his head and walked off. You turned to Emilie with pleading eyes.

"Can I touch it?"

She eyed you weirdly before laughing. "Yes, go ahead." You didn't hesitate to touch her belly and feel the slight bump presented in it.

"You'll be such a great mom."

You chased Adrien around the staircase. "I'm gonna get'cha!" He squealed as he looked back at you.

"Come here!" You closed in on him as he tripped. He laughed as you started tickling him. "I-I surrender! I surrender! Ahahaha!"

You grinned as you continued tickling him. "What are the magic words?" He clutched his stomache as he flailed his legs about.

"G-girls rule! B-boys drool!" You let out a laugh a you leaned back and picked him up. You rested him on your hip as you walked to the staircase. "That's right. And don't you forget it."

Adrien laughed as you ascended the stairs. You caught sight of Gorilla and waved him over. "Hey, Gorilla! Wanna join us?"

Gorilla looked over at the two of you and made his way over. "We're about to have a pillow fight. Are you in?" Adrien reached out to him while smiling.

"Gorilla! Gorilla!" Gorilla reached out and took Adrien from your arms, placing the small child atop his shoulders. "Spin! Spin! Spin!"

You stifled a laugh as Gorilla began to twirl in a circle, making Adrien giggle and squawl. "Faster! Faster!"

But just as Gorilla was building up some speed a door opened downstairs and you heard Emilie calling out to y'all. "(Y/n)! Gorilla! We're sorry but there's an akuma!" You and Gorilla walked downstairs to see Gabriel and Emilie in their suits.

"We won't be home for a while. Will you make sure Adrien gets put to bed?" You gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, right after we build some forts and make some cake! We'll be rooting for you." You brought Adrien's arm up and waved it around. "Go, Mommy! Go, Daddy!"

Emilie smiled and placed a kiss on Adrien's head. "We'll be back, Adrien. Be a good boy for (Y/n) and Gorilla, ok?" Adrien patted Gorilla's head.

"Yeah! I promise! Bye, Mommy!" Emilie turned to Gabriel and nodded her head. "Then, we're off."

And with that the two superheroes took off and ran into the world outside. Adrien tugged on Gorilla's shirt. "Are we gonna really make some cake?"

You smiled and took him in your arms. "Well, I was just telling Mommy that to tease her. But if you want to, we certainly can." Adrien then dragged you and Gorilla down the hall and to the kitchen.

"We'll make the bestest cake ever! And we'll make it for Mommy and Daddy!" You and Gorilla started gathering ingredients and bowls while Adrien washed his hands. "So what kind of cake are we making, Chef Agreste?" You asked playfully.

Adrien thought for a moment as he turned the water off. "A three layer strawberry cake!" You went to the fridge of got out a carton of strawberries.