Chapter 19

Marinette's P.O.V:

One thing that I learned about Jason was that he was a speed demon. Not that I was complaining. The ride was a lot of fun for me. Coming to a stop in front of the Wayne botanical gardens, I hop off the bike and hand Jason his helmet.

"Thanks for the ride, Jay." I couldn't seem to shake the smile off my face. "That was a lot of fun." I beamed.

"No problem, Sunshine." He sets the helmet on the back of his bike. "Just don't tell Bruce how fast we went. I don't need to hear that lecture again." Jason says smirking.

"Again, huh?" I cross my arms and look him straight in the eyes. "Do you ever listen to Bruce?"

"Only when it's convenient." He shrugs.

My laughter is cut short when my class pulls up besides us on the bus.

"I hate your class." Jason mean mugs some of my more annoying class members as they get off the vehicle.

"Why?" I ask him while I turn my back to Lila who just caught sight of me. "They haven't done anything to you specifically." I say.

"They sure as hell have." Jason steps closer to me. "They upset my new little sister and I take that very personally." He said smiling brightly at me.

I smile up at him. "You know, I've never had any siblings before. I always did wish I had an older brother."

"Well consider your wish granted." He reached down to hug me tightly and lifted me up off the ground. "You can't get rid of me now." He sets me down gently. "Text me if you need anything. I am not afraid to punch a teenage girl in the face." Jason says with a smirk.

"Thanks, Jay." I look over to my class and see all my friends waving me over. "I better get going. I'll see you later."

"See ya later, Pixie-pop." He waves to me as he gets back onto his bike and drives off.

I turn around to meet back up with my class and greet my friends.

"I see Marislut is still hanging out with that creepy older man. That guy just looks homeless." Lila laughs as I walk past her.

"I know." Alya agrees. "It's really disgusting that she is probably living with him."

Ignoring them, I stop in front of my friends to give them all a hug. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Bugaboo." Adrien hugs me back. "You rode here on a motorcycle?"

"Yeah. I rode with Jason. Apparently, he doesn't know how to go slow." I laughed.

"It's good to see you smiling so much." Chloe chimed in. "I don't even think you looked this happy even before Lila came along."

"I'm feeling happier." I looked over to Madame Mendeleiev who was counting all the students. "I think that this trip really was a good thing."

"Yeah, I know." Alix smiled at me. "You didn't even bat an eye at what Lila just said. I think that kinda pissed her off."

"Alright, class." The teacher spoke up. "Please follow me inside and no talking until the tour guide finishes her speech."

We followed her inside and were greeted by a short brunette in a pantsuit who introduced herself as our tour guide. After a few rules about not touching or damaging the plants, we began our tour.

"This place is actually kind of pretty." Chloe looked around at the beautiful garden.

"It is." Kim agreed. "It says here that the Wayne's paired up with Poison Ivy herself to keep this place so beautiful." He read a plaque on the wall.

"Isn't she like a villain?" Alix asked.

"No." Max shook his head. "She's mainly an extremist when it comes to protecting her plants. Sometimes the city and the people just don't align with her plans."

"She's a rouge." I looked to my friends. "I read about her and Harley Quinn. Sometimes they do some bad things but they aren't inherently evil. They even have been known to help out Batman a time or two."

"Harley Quinn?" Kim looks at me. "Isn't she the Joker's girlfriend?"

"Not anymore, thankfully." I shook my head. "She's actually with Ivy now. I heard that they have been a lot better now that they have found each other."

"Good." Chloe nods. "Girls supporting girls is what I'm all about." Chloe wraps her arms around Alix and I.

"Oh, look!" I point to a beautiful koi pond to my left. "Give me a sec." I walk closer to it. "I need to sketch something." They all laugh at me being distracted as they talk about Gotham's villains.

I was so focused on my work that I didn't see Lila come up from behind me. In the middle of my drawing, Lila bumped into me, hard, causing me to drop my sketch book and pen into the water. "Oops." Lila laughed at me as I quickly grabbed my soaking book from the water before it sunk to the bottom. "Didn't see you there." Lila said with a smirk.

I looked at my ruined book with tears in my eyes, then I look back at Lila. "Why did you do that?"

"You are just so unnoticeable that I bumped right into you." Lila laughs with Alya standing next to her. "I wouldn't worry about it though." Lila flipped her hair over her shoulder. "There was nothing but trash in that book anyways."

I was just about to scream at her when Madame Mendeleiev storms up to us. "What is going on over here?" Madame Mendeleiev asks with a stern voice.

"Nothing, Madame Mendeleiev. We were just talking."  Lila said.  Madame Mendeleiev didn't look like she was buying it.

"No." I shook my head in anger. "She purposefully bumped into me so I would drop my book in the water." I held up my wet book.

"Lila did not." Alya defended Lila. "I was right here. It was a complete accident."

"Yeah." Lila agreed. "I am sorry about that." She spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice.

The teacher looked at all three of us and sighed. "I better not catch any of you doing something like this again or I will not hesitate to call all of your parents." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "And Lila, please watch where you are going. We don't need any more accidents."

"Yes ma'am." We all mumbled to the teacher. Alya and Lila smirked at me before walking off.------------"I can't believe she did that." Adrien said after swallowing a mouthful of food. We were all now on our lunch break.

"Well believe it." I looked at my book that was still partially wet. "And my pen fell into the bottom of the water. Now I can't draw at all anymore." I said with a sad tone.

"She just can't let you be happy, can she?" Alix patted my hand in comfort. "That girl is a total witch."

"Damn right, she is." Kim agrees. "The whole class knows how much you love to design. I know they all know she did that on purpose."

"That is a 97% probability." Max adds.

"Let's just not talk about that." I give my friends a weak smile. "There is nothing we can do about it now."

Just then, I feel my phone vibrate from inside my purse. Looking at my phone, I see a message from Jason.***Jay: hey sunshine! hows the tour goin?

Mari: ok I guess. Lila made me accidentally drop my sketchbook in a pond tho :/

Jay: sausage hair did what? do I need 2 beat someones ass?

Mari: lol no jay. if I wanted to do that I would have done it a long time ago. that would just make them hate me even more

Jay: well isnt ur teacher gunna do somethin about it? she has to be at least a lil bit better than the last 1 u had

Mari: she has no proof of her doin it on purpose or else she would -_-

Jay: bummer. it would be nice to see her get whats comin to her

Mari: yea. I have been waiting for that time to come for years. join the club pal***"Who are you texting Mari?" Adrien gets my attention. "Is that Damian?" He nudges me with his elbow.

"No." I smile back at him. "It's Jason. He's just wondering how the tour is going."

"Wow." Alix says. "That family really likes you, huh?"

I laugh. "Yeah. I guess they do." I look down at the time and sigh. "Lunch is almost over. Come on, let's go meet up with Madame Mendeleiev. Maybe we can still enjoy the rest of this tour if we all stick together." I said.