Chapter 34

Marinette's P.O.V:

I had just finished breakfast with the family when I looked at the time. "We should be leaving soon to go pick up my friends."

"Right you are, Miss Marinette." Alfred started picking up all the dishes off of the table as he spoke. "And did you find that old sewing machine to be useful?"

"Yeah." I smiled at the butler. "Thanks for letting me use it."

"You are very welcome." Alfred nods to me before taking all the dishes to the kitchen.---------"Hop in, guys!" I watched as my friends stared at the limo I arrived it. "We don't have all day." I hugged each of them as they got in.

"Wow, Mari. You really do know how to show up in style." Alix looked over to Damian who was sitting next to me. "Hey, Damian. I'm Alix, Mari's coolest friend." She gave him the finger guns.

"No, she's not." Kim playfully pushed Alix. "I'm the cool one. The names Kim."

"And I'm the fabulous one but you can call me Chloe." She smiles at the billionaire.

"I'm Max." The small teen waved to him shyly.

"And I'm Adrien. It's so nice to meet you officially."

"Hey." Damian nods to them as the limo pulls off into the direction the manor.

"Oh, so you're the silent and brooding type, huh?" Chloe evaluates Damian.

"Chloe... Leave him alone." I shake my head.

"What? He's just so different from your last crush." She giggles at me.

"And by that you mean me?" Adrien wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Ugh, stop." I push Adrien's face away. "You're so full of yourself."

"Well he's not lying." Max smirks.

"Thanks, captain obvious." I deadpan at him.

"So, Marinette. What are we doing today?" Kim looks over at me with excitement.

"I'm not too sure but I do know that you will probably be bombarded with questions once we get there."

"Questions about what?" Max asked.

"Probably about Angel here." Damian jerked his head towards me.

"Angel, huh?" Adrien raised his eyebrow. "I like this one, bugaboo."

"Glad you approve, Adrien." I laugh.

"So, have you told your parents yet, Marinette?" Chloe asks.

"Told them what?" I ask confused.

"About you and Damian being a thing." Chloe said it like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No. I just don't know how to bring it up." I said truthfully.

"We should all video call them later then." Alix started to bounce in her seat. "I want to see their reaction."

"I second that." Adrien piped up.

"Same." Kim and Max said at the same time.

"Why did I even invite you all?" I shook my head at my friends.

"Is that a yes?" Chloe looked at me expectantly.

"I guess." I sighed.-------------"Welcome to Wayne manor." Alfred opened the door for all of us.

All of us follow Alfred into the large house and every single one of them look around in wonder besides Damian and I.

"Wow, this place is as big as daddy's hotel." Chloe says staring up at the crystal chandelier.

"How do you not get lost in this place?" Kim gaped at this places size.

"I said the same thing. It's not so bad once I got used to it." I laughed.

"Hey there, Pixie-pop." Jason came around the corner and lifted me off the ground in a bear hug.

"Jay... I can't breathe." I lightly patted his back.

"Sorry." Jason sets me down lightly and turned to my friends. "Hi. I'm Jason."

"Hey Jason. I'm Alix. This is Chloe, Adrien, Max and Kim." Alix said while pointing to each friend as they all waved.

"Nice to meet you all. Come on, everyone is in the living room waiting to meet you all." Jason leads us down the hall with Alfred.

"Everyone?" Max looked a little nervous. "As in Mr. Wayne, too?"

"Yep. Plus, Tim and Dick." Jason looks back to all of us. "You remember Dick, right? He did your tour of Wayne Tower."

"Yes, we remember him." Max was now in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "I can't believe I am meeting one of my biggest idols. I hid behind Kim last time I saw him."

"He's just a man, Max." I tried to calm him down. "You don't need to work yourself up over this."

"You're right." Max calmed himself a little. "It's not like I'm meeting Batman or anything."

"Right." Both Jason and I gave each other a knowing look.

"Hey, Bruce." Jason turned the corner to where his family was sitting in the living room. "Sunshine's friends are here." Each of them introduced themselves.

"It's such an honor to meet you, Mr. Wayne. I'm a big fan of what you and your company are doing for Gotham." Max said nervously.

"Thank you, Max." Bruce gives him a small smile before continuing. "But really, I can't take all the credit. My son Tim here helps out a lot and everyone at our company works very hard at what they do."

"So, did Marinette tell you about all the lies Lila is still spreading about you and your family?" Alix looked at the billionaire.

"We are aware of her actions." Bruce nods.

"You didn't come here to talk about Lila, did you?" I cocked my hip to the side as I stared at my friends.

"No." Adrien smiled at me. "But we all did agree to something on the ride over here."

"Right now?" I raised my eyebrow at the blonde.

"Why not?" Chloe pipped up. "The bakery is closed on Sundays anyways. They will answer."

"What are you talking about?" Dick asked curiously.

"Angel still hasn't told her parents that we are a couple yet." Damian answered.

"And we want to see their reactions. Its going to be great." Kim bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.

"I wanna see that!" Jason grinned from ear to ear. "Call them."

I took a deep breath. "Fine." I pulled out my phone to start a video chat with my parents. "But none of you better make it weird."

It only took about three rings before my parents picked up. "Hello, Marinette." My mother answered.

"Hey, Maman." I waved. "Is Papa around?"

"Hello, sweetie." My father came into frame. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just hanging out with all of my friends and I wanted to talk to you and tell you something." I smiled.