Chapter 46

Marinette's P.O.V:

Damian and I were sitting in class quietly chatting when we both got a text from our phones.  We checked it to find it being a group chat with all of Damian's brothers.***Tim: Did you see the headlines today?

Dick: No. What is it?

Tim: It's about Marinette and demon spawn.***The two of us gave each a confused look before Damian pulled up some of today's news articles on his phone. He clicked on one and the headlining photo showed the two of us in the car together with my face towards the camera. The article reads:~~~~~~~~~Damian Wayne Has A Girlfriend?Yes, you read that right. According to our anonymous source, the young woman in the photo shown above is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She is the winner of this years Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship Foundation. Originally from Paris, she is here on a class trip to tour all of Gotham. It is still unknown how the two met but we can only assume it is through the scholarship itself. This is what our source had to say about it all.

"I was shocked when I first saw them. They were holding hands. No one ever got close to Damian before. Ever. And imagine my surprise when he (Damian Wayne) ended up talking all mushy about her later in the day too, after he and his whole family defended her from this crazy liar. I even heard some people talking about how they saw him kissing her earlier in the morning. I never thought I would see the day Damian Wayne actually had a girlfriend."

You heard it here first. Sorry ladies, it looks like the "Ice Prince of Gotham" is taken. We have still yet to hear any news from the Wayne family themselves, though. The next time the Wayne's have been scheduled to make a public appearance is at their charity gala, so we hope you all have your ears open for whatever news is to come.~~~~~~~~~"Wow..." I looked back to my phone to catch up on the messages.***Jay: Honestly it took longer than I expected...

Tim: I have already found people tweeting about it.

Dick: Yeah. Ivy and Harley already said that they would harm anyone who dared to say anything bad about Mari. Now people really want to know more about her.

Jay: At least I don't have to say it myself.

Mari: I wonder who this anonymous source is. It's clearly someone in this class right now.***"I have a few ideas who." Damian looked over at a few tables.

"Don't worry about it, Dami. This article did no harm." I smiled at him while patting his knee.

"You're right." He smiled down at me. "If it doesn't bother you then I'm okay with it." We both look back down to our phones.***Tim: Well now that this is all out in the open, people probably won't stop asking until we formally introduce Marinette to the public.

Dick: That's only if Mari is okay with that.

Mari: I'm okay with it if Dami is okay with it.***I looked over at my boyfriend.

"Who wouldn't want to show you to the world?" He kisses the back of my hand before typing on his phone.***Damian: It's fine with me.

Jay: I usually don't care for these gala things but I think this one will actually be pretty interesting.

Dick: We can run this by Bruce at dinner. Although I'm sure he has already seen the headlines today so he won't be surprised.

Tim: Also, Harley and Ivy's little declaration really has people talking. Someone beloved by the Wayne's and the rouges? People are very fascinated by you Marinette.

Mari: Great... lol***Just then, the final bell of the day rings to dismiss us.

"Everyone make sure that your names are on you papers and set them up on my desk." Damian's teacher spoke up. "Have a good day and I will see you all tomorrow."

After we dropped the paper off on the desk, we made our way hand in hand back to the bus. I said goodbye to all of my friends and even gave a small smile to Alya, who pretended not to see me.

The moment the two of us were off of the school's grounds, we found a large group of paparazzi waiting to take our pictures.

"Why don't we take a car with dark tinted windows tomorrow?" Damian asked, a little bit annoyed.

"Okay." I giggled at my boyfriends unamused face.

Every few blocks we would find people videotaping and taking pictures of us as we drove down the street. We even found paparazzi at the gates of Wayne manor when we got there.

"Are they even aloud to be here?" I whispered so only Damian can hear me.

"Technically yes." He avoided eye contact with anyone other than me. "It's not until they walk the grounds of the manor that it becomes illegal." Damian finally makes his way through the gate and into the garage.

"Welcome home." Alfred greets. "It seems the public has caught wind of you two. We haven't had this much media here in quite some time. Probably since Master Bruce and Miss Kyle's engagement announcement." He quickly shut the door behind us. "I would be weary of going outside for a while."

"It's a good thing I'm busy with things inside then." I smile at the butler as I let my kwami's free again. "Stay away from open windows you three." I warn.

"It's not like they can catch us on camera anyways, bug." Plagg rolls his eyes.

"That's not the point, you stinky sock." Tikki playfully smacked Plagg on the back of the head.

"Whatever, sugar cube." Plagg zooms away while Tikki follows.

"I will keep them in check." Kaalki smiles at me before going to catch up with them.

"It's always something new with kwami's around." I grabbed Damian's hand to drag him to my room.