Chapter 110

Marinette's P.O.V:

"How was your day today, Angel?" Damian asked as he got out of his car.

"It was great. Jason and I rode all around town and I met some of his friends and we also visited the woman's shelter." I took ahold of his hand and started to walk inside. "You know, Jason isn't as bad as you make him out to be." I giggled.

"If you say so, Angel." He smirked at me.

"Well what about you? How was your day?"

"Fairly average, all things considered." Damian shrugged.

"There you are, Sunshine!" Jason ran up to us the moment we were inside the house. "I see you found de- I mean Damian."

"What do you want, Todd?" Damian asked, a bit annoyed.

"Oh, come on, Damian. I know you are happy to see me." Jason slung his arm around the two of us. "Sunshine and I have something to tell you... And maybe you can convince Bruce to say yes."

"What is it?" He said a as he slapped his arm away. "You're getting on my nerves."

"Go ahead and tell him, Sunshine." Jason smiled at me.

Damian looked over at me with a soft smile on his face as he patently waited for me to explain.

"Well like I was saying earlier, Jason and I went to go see one of his friends." I explained. "It was Mrs. Dunley. One of her cats, Sassy, is pregnant. She wanted to know if you would like one of her kittens when they are born."

"A kitten?" Damian smiled to himself. "I have been wanting a friend for Alfred the cat. I think he gets bored roaming the manor all day."

"Well it's up to you to convince Bruce. We still have a bit until the kittens are born." Jason said. "Probably a month and a half till they are born and then a few extra weeks until they are ready for adoption."

"Right." Damian nodded. "I'll need to find the best way to introduce this to father."

"We knew you would say yes." I giggled.---------"So, Marinette." Tim smiled over at me after everyone was done eating dinner. "You didn't forget that today you are training with me, right?"

"Of course, I didn't. We were saving the best for last, right?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my tone.

"You say that like you don't mean it." He smirked. "The best was saved for last."

I watched as Alfred took all the plates into the kitchen "So what exactly are we going to be doing that grants you the right of being the best?"

"I'm only going to be teaching you the most practical of all the skills. I'm going to see how well you do in social situations and we will work a little bit on your detective skills. Your body and mind needs to be sharp."

"Are you calling me slow witted?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"N-no." He shook his head with slight panic. "I just want to teach you how to read body language and also how to read a room."

"Aw, I'm just messing with you, Timmy." I reached over to lightly punch him on the shoulder. "I'm looking forward to our one on one time."

"Which reminds me." Bruce spoke up. "Everyone please meet up in the training room in about an hour."

"You got it, Bruce." I stood up and grabbed Damian's hand to head out of the dining room.---------"So, you're a creep on your free time?" I giggled as I watched Tim pull up surveillance cameras from all over the city on the bat computer. "Or is this just an easy way to avoid the physical exercise?"

"Hey, Bruce thinks it's a good idea that you learn all of this. Plus, one day off won't hurt anything." He turned to look at me. "And don't you want to learn how to work the Bat Computer?" Tim patted the chair next to him.

"Isn't that sort of Barbara's job?" I sat down next to him.

"Only when we are out on patrol. What if there was an emergency and it would take awhile for anyone to get down here? Barbara is by far the best at her job but we all need to know the basics just in case." He grinned over at me. "Plus, it is a bit fun to people watch from afar."

"People watching, huh?" I asked amused.

"Yep. I want to see how attentive you are. Body language and reading the room and whatnot." Tim pulled up a live feed of the inside of the GCPD. "Now this is a place that is always hectic and crazy but I want to see what you notice besides that with just a quick glance." He looked over at me and then back at the screen. "So, tell me what you notice."

"This is the GCPD, right?" Tim nods as an answer. "Well, let's see..."

I looked at the multiple different camera angles of the police station for a short bit.

"Well for one, the commissioner looks very annoyed but my guess is that it just comes with the stress of the job."

Tim nods again at the look on the commissioner's face.

"Also, that cop right there." I pointnto a cop sitting at his desk intently staring at his computer. "He's not doing his job. I can't see his screen but I can tell that he has his hand over the 'WASD' keys, shift and the spacebar. He's playing some sort of game."

"Yes." Tim chuckles. "He is."

"The holding cells are way too full." I shake my head in disapproval.

"Actually, today is a pretty light day in that regard. It can be worse."

"Hey! That woman right there is trying to pick the lock with a bobby pin." I pointed towards the woman closest to the cell door, who was reaching around the bars to subtly reach for the lock.

"I was hoping you would catch that one." Tim grinned widely at me. "Do you want to alert the commissioner?"

"How do I do that?"

"We have a way of messaging him directly. Here, let me show you."

I followed his instructions and sent a message to the commissioner. Moments later, Jim came to poke his head around the corner towards the holding cells. It was quite a commotion as some other officers were ordered to take the bobby pin away from the woman. The officer playing his game even had to stop what he was doing to help. After it all calmed down, Jim sent a thank you message back.

"Wow." I giggled. "She put up a real fight. What would have happened if she succeeded?

"All hell would have broke loose. I don't think the inmates would have gotten far though. That place goes on lockdown quick."

"So, did I miss anything in my observation?"

"You did pretty well. Although the GCPD is like its own soap opera. You need to learn to pick up on the relationships of the people around you. But not all knowledge is good knowledge." Tim shivers at some thought.

"What does that mean? Is there some dirty GCPD tea that was spilt that ended up being too much information?"

"More like I saw some things that are now forever burned into my memory."

"The drawbacks of being a nosy detective." I giggled.

"Hey, my nosiness is what got me on this team in the first place. I figured out who Batman was." He said proudly.

"Yeah. So did I." I snorted.

"That's different. Jason accidently spilled the beans with his pet nicknames for you. I did it all on my own."

"True."---------"Wow, Tim. You really are very good at reading people." I sat back in my chair after a few hours of people reading lessons. "I can see now why you are so good at coming up with plans. I still think I'm better at reading emotions though. You are too clinical with your observations."

"Well your whole superhero career was based off of the emotions of others up until recently. We all have our strengths and weaknesses."

"Some more than others." Damian spoke up from behind us.

"Hey, Dami!" I smiled widely at my boyfriend.

"Hello, Angel." He smiled softly in return. "Father told me to tell you two that training is over. We are free to clean up and go to bed."

"Cool." Tim stood up and stretched. "Don't forget what I taught you, Marinette." He waved before heading for the exit.

"So, how was people watching with Drake?" Damian held out his hand for me to take.

"Very informational, just as I expected." I took ahold of his hand and began to walk with him back towards our rooms. "Your brothers are great. I think it's cool that they all bring something unique to the table."

"That's a nice way of calling my brothers weird."

"Damian, that's not what I meant." I chuckled. "And if anyone here is weird it would most likely be you, Mister 'Ice Prince of Gotham'."

"But do you really think that makes me weird?" He frowned at me.

"Of course not. But I like you just the way you are, weird or not."

"You are always too kind to me, Angel." He laughs.

"I don't think so, silly." I reach up to boop him on the nose. "You need to realize how special you are, Dami."

"So you keep telling me." He brings our joined hands up to kiss the back of my hand.