Chapter 120

Marinette's P.O.V:

"Marinette." Bruce got my attention as he walked up to our table. "There is someone I would like you to meet. You mind coming with me?"

"Sure, Bruce." I smiled as I got up.

I followed the billionaire through a crowd of people before stopping in front of a darker skinned, older gentleman who looked at me with a smile.

"Marinette, this is Lucius Fox. He's my business manager for Wayne Enterprises." Bruce said.

I lit up at the name. "Oh, Lucius! I've heard so much about you. It nice to finally meet you."  I shake his hand.

"Same to you." He smiles brighter at me. "Bruce talks about you a lot."

"Does he?" I grin up at the billionaire.

"Yes. And surprisingly it's not always business related." He looked down at my dress for a moment. "You have quite the eye for detail." He leaned down to whisper to me . "It was quite a shock to me that I didn't have to make Bruce another suit." He straitened back up and smiled again. "I'd love to talk more about that some time."

"Me too." I agreed. "But sadly, I'll be going back to Paris for a bit."

"Yes, I've been told." Lucius nodded. "But I'm sure we will be in touch. Bruce has great plans for you." He paused for a moment. "And therefore, so do I. I'm excited to be working with you. I believe you'll bring great things to Bruce's family."

"Thank you, Lucius." I beamed up at the man.

Lucius's P.O.V:

I couldn't help but admire her smile for a moment before looking back behind her at the youngest member of the Wayne family who seemed to be dying to get her back. "I'll let you get back to mingling. We'll have plenty of time to chat in the future. I'll be seeing you again, Marinette."

"Oh, thank you. I'll see you soon." She waved before walking off to meet up with her boyfriend again.

"I see what you mean, Bruce." I turned back to the billionaire.

"Yes." Bruce smiled over at the young couple. "Gotham has been waiting for someone like her to come along."

Marinette's P.O.V:

"I'll meet you guys at the airport tomorrow?" I said to my class as the Gala was wrapping up.

"You bet." Adrien nodded. "I'm so ready to see Kagami again." He chuckled. "She's got a million questions for you when we get back."

"Luka too." Juleka spoke up.

"I'm sure the rest of the class will as well." Alya said.

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that." Chloe scoffed. "I've already had enough of Sebrina texting me all her questions."

"Well, a lot did happen while they were gone." Max added. "I would have questions too."

"We must be going, class." Madame Mendeleiev spoke up. "Say your goodbyes quickly."

One by one, everyone went up to me for a hug.

"Bye, everyone." I waved as the class left.

"We have to say goodbye to the rest of the guests." Damian informed as he grabbed my hand.

"Okay." I smiled up at him.---------Leaving the venue was almost as hectic as entering but Bruce moved quickly towards the limo parked out front.

"Did you have a good time at the Gala?" Alfred asked as everyone entered the limo.

"I did." I nodded.

"Everybody loved Sunshine." Jason said as he let Damian and I get in first. "Any questions we had were all about her."

"That's as to be expected." Alfred smiled as Tim helped Barbara into the car.

The butler shut the door after everyone was inside the vehicle and he took Barbara's wheelchair to the trunk before getting into the drivers' seat.

Clark waited until the limo pulled away from the building before he spoke up. "I hope you are ready to make international headlines, Marinette. Almost everyone there tonight was talking about you."

"And I should be thanking you for that, Marinette." Bruce nodded. "You probably don't know it but you single handedly drove up the donations. I think we will have a hard time beating todays record next year."

"Oh." I looked at him with surprise. "How did I do that? I didn't even talk to the majority of the guests."

"You didn't have to, Cupcake." Dick said. "They practically fell in love with you and baby birds dancing. That was something the more esteemed guests would pay to see."

"So, I take it the event went well?" Alfred asked from the driver's seat.

"Oh, yeah." Jason nodded. "Sunshine really livened up the whole thing."

Damian's P.O.V:

"I know it's late. You guys are more than welcome to stay until morning." Father was saying to Clark.

"Thanks for the offer Bruce, but we need to be getting back to Metropolis."

"I understand." Father held his hand out for him to shake. "I'll be seeing you soon, Clark."

"And I hope to be seeing you more often." Jon smiled to Marinette. "I'm happy that Damian found you." Jon turned to me. "And you better quit ignoring me." He laughed before throwing his arm around me in a casual hug.

"No promises." I said with annoyance as I tried to shake him off but to no avail.

"Alright." Lois said with a smile. "Let's get going."

Jon finally let go of me and gave Marinette a brief hug. "See you later." He waved to everyone before walking out with his family.

"Well." Father said as he finally loosened his tie. "Thank you everyone, for being on your best behavior tonight." He walked off with Selina. "See you all in the morning."

"Did you have fun?" Kori asked.

"We sure did." Dick smiled as he threw his arm around her. "It would have been a whole lot better if you were there." He said as the two walked off.

"Will you take me to the kitchen?" Barbara looked up to Tim.

"What? You can't roll yourself there?" He joked as he pushed her towards the kitchen anyways.

"You ready to go upstairs?" I asked Marinette the moment we were alone.

"I guess." Marinette smiled up at me. "I'm a little sad that today is my last night here."

I smiled down at her before gently grabbing her chin and tilting her face up towards me. "Well then we better make the best of tonight." I whispered.---------I knew I should be asleep. In fact, I was very tired. The only problem was that this would be the last night I would be sleeping with his Angel next to me for a while. I wanted to saver this moment.

I thought back on everything that had happened since I arrived. I remembered the first night I saw her dancing on the rooftop and found myself lucky that I had finally got to dance with her tonight. I remembered the first night she had dinner with my family and how she had completely thrown everyone for a loop when Alfred mentioned Duusu. I even found myself happy that Plagg pushed me into confessing how I felt about her. I should probably thank him for that.

I didn't realize it was crying until the first tear fell. It shocked me. Was I sad? I didn't think so. Maybe it was the fact that she would be leaving soon. But I was just having happy thoughts, was I not? It caught me off guard when Marinette whipped my tears away. I hadn't realized she was awake.

"What's wrong?" She whispered.

"Nothing." I whispered back. "I think... these are happy tears?"

"Oh." She smiled up at me. "You know... you make me happy too."

"That's all I've ever wanted" I said softly. "...was to make you happy. To see that smile. To witness the sunshine you bring and to be in the presence of your gracefulness. I think that this has all been worth you punching me in the face that night." I laugh before saying. "That should be the title of your autobiography. 'She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face'."

"That's kind of catchy." I giggles "I'll think about it."