11. One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

Marinette sat there with her legs out in front of her as the rain poured down rapidly on her head. She was amazed that a car hadn't come in contact with her yet, being that she had been out there for five minutes.

Her parents hadn't come out looking for her, but they never noticed anything you and Marinette did until it was too late. She knew you weren't coming back out, because you didn't care.

Marinette stood abruptly.

As they say, old habits die hard.

Fuming with anger, Marinette stormed towards the bakery. As she slammed the door open, your parent's heads shot up.

"Welcome home honey-"

Marinette ignored them completely and ran up the stairs.

She walked to your door and slammed it open. You jumped harshly from surprise and your eyes grew cold the second they landed on her.

"Get out," you hissed. Marinette stalked over to you, yanking you up by the shirt.

She kept her grip tight and pulled you close to her face. "You know what bitch? !" she screamed, pushing you backwards.

You smacked against your bed frame with a loud thud. You felt your shirt tear against your back, making you completely livid.

"Really? You wanna go there?!" You screamed and lunged at her.

The two of you rolled across your floor as you tugged at each other's hair. You kicked at her, trying desperately to get her off you every time she flipper the two of you over.

"Fuck you!" Marinette screamed. "Why are you so selfish?" She was crying but hadn't realized it.

"the selfish one?" You asked with a laugh. "You're the worst fucking person to ever walk this pitiful Earth!" Your voice came out in a crackling scream.

The two of you had shoved each other off, and you now stood at opposite corners of your room. Marinette stood with dark eyes directed towards you, as her hand crept closer to your keyboard.

"Don't you dare!" You screamed out in terror.

You had the end of your keyboard gripped in your hands. Your knuckles paled under your tight grip, and an instense pounding pain soared through your joints.

"Let it go," You hissed.

You barely managed to stop her from whatever she planned to do with it. She either was going to use it to kill you or throw it out the window, either way she was trying again to destroy something you loved.

One of the only things you had.

"I'm sure you can just make a new one! You're perfect at everything you do anyways!" Marinette screamed. You couldn't believe your parents had yet to come upstairs.

You laughed, baffled by her response. "Seriously? what this is about? Your upset because you think that I'm better than you?"

Your questioning pissed her off even more. "Yeah! You always have been. I work so damn hard for everything and you just waltz up in the room and take all of the attention and do it perfectly. Your a damn selfish bitch!" She screamed and you were honestly taken aback.

You felt your body shake as you stared at her. She had no idea about anything. "You think you have it all figured out, don't you?" Your voice was quiet.


"You think you know everything huh? Well I may be talented in some things but at least you actually have a place you can call home!" You we're crying now. "I get it, I live here. My family is here, but I've never felt like I had a place with you guys! My heart is in the clouds and I just want to see the world. Dammit, Marinette, all I ever wanted to do was see how the stars looked from all different places in the world. I wanted to do it with you! If anyone is the selfish bitch It's !" You screamed and your eyes were clenched tight due to your tears.

"Y/n! Put the keyboard down!" Marinette's voice relayed in a shriek and you felt the pressure release from her side of the keyboard.

Your eyes opened slowly and you saw Marinette grab at her ears, checking for earrings that weren't there.

Your internal questioning was cut short when you saw the dark butterfly make its way into the keyboard.


The news circulated through Paris as quickly as it always did.

Alya stood in front of her TV, shaking tremendously. "Does she... does she not have her miraculous?" She whispered as the news reporter identified the victims as the Dupain-Cheng twins.

Before she realized it she was running in the direction of their bakery.

She had to get into her room and find the miraculous.