"What's that?" You asked as Marinette returned to your room with a small pink box with a tight lock on the front.
"I'm going to show you something secret." She grinned from ear to ear, but then frowned once more. "It's stuff I wrote after some of my...worse moments. I just feel like you should see it."
Marinette sat on your floor beside you, mimicking your cross legged position. She tugged a key out of her purse you couldn't believe she was wearing at the moment and unlocked the box.
"Are those...diaries?" You asked with a tilt of your head, surprised she kept one.
She nodded and you lifted an inquiring eyebrow. "Why do you have two?" You asked and the entirety of her body stiffened with your question.
"Read this one first." She gulped as she handed you the one on top. Your confused expression only grew when an additional lock revealed itself on the journal that remained in the box.
You took the diary from her outstretched hand and flipped to the first page.
You finished the entry and looked up at your sister with sad eyes. She shrugged. "I'm a bitch, I know." She sighed.
You shook your head. "No, well yes. I'm just glad to know you didn't enjoy making me miserable." You grinned and she rolled her eyes.
"You act like I'm sadistic." She scoffed.
You shrugged your shoulders slowly. "I mean..."
"Just read the next one!"
"You talk about me like I'm some sort of saint." You teased with a wicked expression, knowing how nasty you could be.
"Just keep reading!" Marinette exclaimed, flustered.