22. Music and Reminiscent

Now, standing there so close to you, all the waiting felt so worth it.

"Hey Y/n." A smile tugged at his lips once he saw your surprised expression.

"When they said I had a few fans waiting to meet me backstage, I never would have guessed it was you." You smiled gently.

Luka was so much taller than you remembered. Age had caught up with him, much like it did with yourself. His hair was still as vibrant as it used to be, but it was cut much shorter on the sides of his head. He wore a loose white shirt with a comfortable looking blue flannel to keep him a bit warm on this mid fall night. He wore a pair of ripped black jeans and a pair of fun designed shoes, much like the ones you still wore.

"I am full of surprises." He winked and you felt your eyes roll instantaneously.

The feeling was exhilarating, it was almost like you were sixteen again.

"You always were." You smiled and his eyes softened.

"Would you like to catch up? I know of a coffee shop that is still open around this time." He offered and your heart skipped a beat.

You opened your phone to check the time and smiled at your favorite picture staring back at you. "It's getting a little late..." You murmured, knowing you needed to be home soon.

"What's wrong city girl?" He teased, "Old age soak all the fun out of you?"

You raised your brow at the challenge and matched the grin growing on his face. "Luka, like always you and I have different definitions of fun."

His smile softened and he held out his hand. "Please? I promise I won't keep you all night...well unless you want me too." He grinned and you slapped his hand and walked towards the stage left doors.

"There's no way in hell. I could use a coffee though." You waved him on as you walked out of the building, pulling your jacket tightly around you.

The two of you walked down the street, occasionally bumping shoulders as you went forward. It felt awkward but at the same time, natural.

"I feel like I'm betraying my parents." You whispered as you walked into the tiny bakery that was about ten minutes away from your parents.

"What are they going to do, ground you?" He teased and you rolled your eyes.

"Sabine is a very scary woman." You laughed and he nodded in agreement.

The two of you sat in the corner of the shop, surprised that you had gotten through unnoticed still.

"What kind of crazy person drinks black coffee?" He gagged as you shrugged and took a sip.

"A tired one."

Luka snorted. "Well I'm sure that's what happens when you're on the road all the time." He shook his head and you simply nodded in agreement, knowing you had a long list of reasons, other than being on the road, to be tired.

"So what have you been up to these past nine years Luka dear?" You asked with a cheeky grin.

Luka smiled softly. "Well for a while I was helping Juleka and the others with their band. I didn't want to play in it, I had no desire for the attention, but I was managing it. They replaced me with this guy named Micah."

"We're you any good? Maybe I should hire you." You smiled as you placed your elbow on the table and rested your chin on the palm of your hand.

Luka rolled his eyes. "No I was horrible. Their new manager actually managed to get their song on the charts."

"I heard they broke up not to long ago." You added sadly.

He shrugged. "They just didn't enjoy playing together publicly. Juleka and Rose are both together still and I think they're going to release a song just the two of them."