30. Betrayal and Convenience


"We will now hear from the side of the defendant." The judge commenced as the prosecution stepped towards his table.

Adrien's lawyer stood promptly, smoothing out his ridiculously expensive suit. "The accusation that my client, Adrien Agreste had any involvement in the crimes committed within his house has no real backing and is simply convenient to assume." You smiled softly at the opening statement.

"Agreste was only a student in high school at the time his father supposedly began akumatizing the people of Paris-"

"Did you say supposedly? Did you forget that he was caught by our city's heroes?" The prosecutor jumped in.

"You had your turn to speak—please sit back and allow him to have the same luxury." The judge sighed as he motioned his hand back towards the lawyer to speak.

"Thank you your honor." He cleared his throat. "I have brought in five key witnesses and paperwork that shows my client wasn't even living in his father's home for the past seven years."

The folder was passed around to the jury.

"I would like to call up Y/n Dupain-Cheng."

"You better tell them." Felix whispered once more and you refused to spare him a second glance.

"Now Ms. Dupain-Cheng." He began as you settled in. "How do you know Adrien Agreste?"

You winced. "I met him on his first day of high school." You smiled gently at the memory. "He was completely flocked by the students at our school after our classmate paraded him around like a show pony. He didn't have any friends other than her—so when she finally stopped looking I grabbed him and showed him around the school myself."

You saw Adrien smile softly, reliving the same memory.

"Right—and that's very sweet, but what is he to you now?"

You sighed, your eyes meeting his bright green ones. He only nodded once, signaling it was okay to him as long as it was for you.

"He is my boyfriend of eight years." You stiffened. "And..."


"And the father of my child."

You heard a few gasps, presumably from the people who were fans of either of you at some point.

"A father." The defendant smiled. "And do the three of you live together?"

"We have a house just outside of the city limits of Paris that we live in while I am not working."

"Is it true that you recently bought an apartment?"

"Yes." You winced.

"Why is that?"

"Would you want to go back to the home where you spent almost every day with the person you loved, alone?" You asked shakily.

"No." He shook his head. "I wouldn't."

You hummed as you nodded your head.

"Would you say this caused you a lot of emotional distress?"

"How couldn't it?"



Your testimony was over and the audience was left in tears. They had allowed you to go off and talk on your own to the court and you described moments Adrien spent with you and your son. It truly was your best performance.

"I was in love with Adrien for the first few years of high school." Your sister was speaking now.

Most of her sentiment you tuned out. You sat next to Luka flexing your hand and unintentionally stabbing your nails into your skin.

You felt a warm hand pick up your tense one. Your eyes peered over at him but he wouldn't meet them. He took your hand into his and unfolded them, running his thumb three times over your sore palm. He placed your hand on the arm rest of your seat and placed his on top of it protectively.

Felix snorted behind the two of you—but you tried your best to ignore him.

"Felix Graham De Vanily." The defendant read off. "You are the nephew of Gabriel Agreste, correct?"

"Yes, though I must make it clear I'm the maternal nephew."

"You want to make it known you have no blood relation with the accused?" He clarified.


"You grew up with your cousin, could you further conclude to our jury his innocence?" The defendant was so positive, but the chilling look on Felix's face sent you into a panic.

"Actually—your honor." He turned his head. "I'm not so sure my cousin is innocent."

You heard the gasps from the audience, but the three of you only stiffened. It was expected, but dreaded.

"Why would you say that?" The defendant was flustered.

"Well, he is a liar—"

A rumble was sent through the courthouse. Before anyone could react the doors slammed open and Marinette ran to the nearest door.

In came a large sentimonster—heading directly for Felix.